Chapter 9- A Rather Dismal Announcement

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"How's it coming, Sev?" Evelyn slammed her textbooks on the floor of the Potions closet, nearly spilling the glass vials her twin had positioned carefully.

"Watch it," her brother hissed as he stirred the cauldron in front of him with an intense expression. "I'm nearly done."

Evelyn watched the potion, which was bubbling dangerously and swallowed back her worry. "Sev, if it doesn't work.."

Her words were cut off as the cauldron exploded, causing the twin's faces to be blackened with smoke.

Evelyn wiped the grit from her eyes as she reached over a hand to her brother. "Sev.." her brother flinched and she shook her head. "Sev, it's okay."

"NO IT'S NOT!" her brother bellowed, ripping his shoulder away with angry eyes, gleaming with frustrated tears. "It was going to work this time."

"You will figure it out," Evelyn sat down gently. "Your Wolfsbane potion will work."

Severus rolled his eyes as he put the vials away, ever careful with the glass despite his temper. "I still think it's a stupid name."

Evelyn crossed her arms teasingly. "Well seeing as I'm the one using it, I get to name it." She grew serious, looking at her brother gratefully. "Thank you for trying this."

"It's pointless if it doesn't work," Severus slammed the Potions book shut as he stood with a sigh. He was rather protective of the textbook, as it contained spells and potions of his own creation.

Evelyn shook her head and hugged her brother, ignoring his grunt of protest. "It will one day." She pulled back with a smirk. "Until then I still have a go at beating you in potions."

Severus snorted. "As if." He shook his head as they entered the Great Hall. "How is that astronomy homework coming?"

Evelyn smacked him on the arm. "Just fine, thank you." She bit her lip, knowing full well the paper was only half filled.

"You're impossible," Severus rolled his eyes as they took a seat by Regulus, who had already begun to dig into the food. "All you have to do is memorize charts."

"They all look the same!" Evelyn whined, throwing her head in her hands. "Specks of light!"

Regulus looked at her with amusement as he piled a few chicken wings on his plate. "Don't tell me. Your love for stars?"

"Isn't your whole family named after constellations?" Severus smirked at Evelyn as he poured a glass of water. "Maybe you can help my pathetic sister."

Regulus snorted. "Fat chance."

He was saved from Evelyn pinching his leg as Professor Dumbledore stood to address the hall. The students fell quiet immediately.

"Ah," the headmaster waved a gentle hand. "I am happy to see you all enjoying the feast. I think some of you will be even happier at my latest announcement," he peered down over his half-moon spectacles in amusement. "Particularly the ladies."

Evelyn shot Lily a questioning look across the room, but the redhead only smiled mischievously. She groaned, rolling her eyes in frustration. "Why does Lils get to be prefect?"

"Hush!" Narcissa Black glared at her from across the table and Evelyn shut her mouth.

"There will be a Christmas Ball," Dumbledore announced, waving his arms dramatically. He beamed as whistles and groans alike echoed in the hall. "All of you will be required to attend. And, as my fellow professors and I get great entertainment out of watching the selection process, you may bring a date."

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