Chapter 39- Regulus's Plan

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"You be careful," Evelyn stepped back from Remus as the tears spilled down her face, unable to hold them back anymore.

The Gryffindor smiled at her gently, clutching his briefcase in one hand and a book in the other with a scarlet scarf wrapped firmly around his neck. "I will, Evelyn." His gaze flickered over to James, who immediately lunged forward and wrapped his arms around his friend in a bear hug.

"Watch out for yourself Moony," James choked, trying to hold back the emotion brimming in his eyes. He grinned, "and remember to not eat the yellow snow."

Remus rolled his eyes. "Only you James." He shook his head, looking at Evelyn softly. "Take care of her."

"Always," James wrapped an arm around Evelyn's waist, pulling her closer to his side. Peter stepped forward from where he stood beside them, sniffing loudly and his gaze more watery than usual.

"I'm going to miss you, Moony," he shifted on his feet nervously, pulling at the skin on his arms. "Come back, okay?"

Remus smiled at his friend, his chocolate gaze bright. "I promise." He wrapped an arm around Peter's shoulders, forcing him into a hug. "I couldn't be prouder of you."

Evelyn flashed a glance over her shoulder at Mary McDonald, who was smiling through her tears. The pretty blonde had a simple gold band on her finger.

"Remus, if you don't show up I'm going to hunt you down," Lily declared, her emerald gaze burning despite the tear marks on her cheeks. "That's a promise."

Remus chuckled as he accepted her hug, stepping back with a look of disappointment on his face. "Well, I guess that's it."

"Did you really think you were going to leave without me?" Sirius stepped out from behind the corner, a rugsack perched on his shoulder. "I'm coming with you. And no protests," he added quickly, adjusting the strap on his shoulder. "No Marauder walks out alone."

There was a pause before Remus gave a short nod, extending his arm to Sirius. "You're mad."

"Only the best kind," Sirius retorted before gripping his forearm. "Let's go wreck some wolves."

Before anyone else in the room could have a reaction, Sirius spun on his heel and the two boys were gone.

Evelyn swallowed, staring at the space they had just occupied in shock. "Guess that was Padfoot's goodbye."

James rolled his eyes as he swung an arm over her shoulder, sending a look at Lily. Things had been slightly awkward, but the two seemed to be on good terms. "He's always been the drama queen."


Evelyn ducked as a curse sailed over her head, knocking over a vase as she threw herself to the side.

"You're a klutz Snape," James stood beside her, offering a hand in her direction. His face was covered in dirt and scratches and his glasses were shattered, but his hazel eyes were alight with excitement.

Evelyn accepted his help and got to her feet with a playful scowl. "You're really enjoying this aren't you?"

"Just think," James paused as he sent a curse spiraling towards a Death Eater approaching, causing the cloaked figure to sail back against the wall with a snap. "I could be studying for NEWTs right now."

"Which I told you would be the smarter choice," Evelyn reprimanded, casting a shield charm in front of them to block a purple hex. "That's what Lily and Peter did."

James panted as he pulled Evelyn to his chest, shooting a jinx above her shoulder and waving his wand dramatically. "But as you said, they are smart and I am not." He grinned, looking down at Evelyn's unimpressed expression. "Besides, I don't need the grades to be an Auror when I've got all the practical training I need right here."

"And the attitude to go with it," Moody limped over to the pair, an irritated curl to his lips. "Stop the love fest and prove yourself useful."

Evelyn reluctantly stepped away from James, her eyes narrowing as she saw a dark cloak disappear down the corridor. Sprinting in its direction, her shoes echoed against the marble of the house as she turned the corner.

"Evelyn!" Regulus stood facing her, his face pale and blood dripping from a wound across his forehead. He ran a relieved hand down his face, wincing as his fingers grazed the injury. "I hoped it was you."

"Why?" Evelyn gripped her wand warily, although she made no sudden movements. She scanned his figure worriedly, noting the exhaustion in his features. "What happened?"

Regulus took a step forward, his silver eyes dark. "I've discovered something." He paused, seeming to debate whether to give her further information. "Something to defeat the Dark Lord."

"What?" Evelyn stared at him in disbelief, dropping her wand entirely. "You're joking."

Regulus raised an eyebrow, a dark strand of hair falling over his jaw. "Have you ever heard of a Horcrux?"

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