Chapter 46- Surprise!?

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Evelyn hissed, panting on the wet earth as she closed her eyes, willing for the nausea to pass away. The rising sun seemed to be setting fire to her back, its golden rays piercing through her dark cloak.

"I don't understand!" James's tone was worried as he sat by her side, rubbing circles on her neck gently. "Your transformation hasn't been this painful in months.

Evelyn groaned as she struggled to sit up, feeling the scratches on her face burn as she grimaced. "It's not so much that it hurts," she murmured, raising a hand to her mouth. "I just feel sick." The words had barely escaped her lips before she leaned over, violently vomiting into the bushes.

"Did Severus brew the potion wrong?" James wrapped his arms around her chest and helped her stand shakily. "He could have mixed up the ingredients."

Evelyn managed a small smile at the thought of her brother ever making a mistake in Potions. She shook her head with a frail laugh. "That's not possible."

She leaned against his side as they made their way back to Headquarters, each step seeming to take all the energy she had left.

"Here, let me carry you," James bent down, wrapping his arms around Evelyn's midsection and thighs.

Evelyn backed away immediately, holding up her hands. "No way! I've told you, I'm too tall for that."

Her husband rolled his eyes.

"EVELYN!" Lily appeared outside the doorway as they approached, worry etching across her features. Severus stood behind her and Evelyn noted the ease between the two with a private grin.

"She's sick," James explained quickly, running a hand through his hair with a panicked expression. "I don't know why, the transformation went as usual."

Severus's eyes darkened as he watched sweat drip down his sister's forehead. "Was it the potion?"

"No!" Evelyn retorted instantly, shaking her head as she stumbled up the steps. "Sev, you double check everything."

"Evelyn." Lily's voice was quiet, but firm as she scanned her with a calculating gaze. "Come to the loo with me."

Evelyn frowned at the redhead's strange behavior, but obediently let Lily drag her down the corridor to the nearest lavatory. Lily closed the door after peeking through the crack carefully, as if checking for eavesdroppers.

"Lily?" Evelyn was starting to get rather nervous as her friend muttered to herself, fishing through her purse. "What's going on?"

Lily looked up, a serious expression on her face. "When was the last time you had your period?"

"What—" Evelyn's eyes widened as she took in the question. She stumbled onto the toilet seat, wrapping her arms around her chest as she went pale. "I'm late."

"Take this," Lily held out a strange-looking Muggle device, her fingers trembling slightly. "I'm paranoid you know, so always thought I should have one on me."

Evelyn stared at the pregnancy test in utter horror, tears beginning to well up in her eyes. "Lily, I can't be a mother."

"That's ridiculous!" Lily exclaimed, her hair fanning in the air as she spun around to sit down beside Evelyn. "You'd be the best mum I know."

"What—" Evelyn's voice faltered as she reached out to take the test, flinching as though it had burned her. "What if I've doomed it?"

Lily shook her head, taking Evelyn's hand firmly and lacing their fingers together. "Evelyn, I've read more books than I can count on werewolves ever since you got bitten." She gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "And not anywhere does it say the effects spread to their children." Standing, Lily looked at her friend with a stern expression. "But you don't even know yet. So, take the ruddy test before I rip my hair out."

Evelyn managed a weak smile, a few tears stumbling down her cheeks as she tore open the box. "Isn't there some spell for this?"

"The Muggle way is usually more exciting," Lily shrugged, chewing on her nails nervously.

Evelyn turned and completed the test, following the directions carefully. After a few minutes of agonizing silence, Evelyn grabbed the stick with a glance at Lily. "Just like a Band-Aid?"

Lily smiled, squeezing her hand gently. "Pull it off fast."

Evelyn flipped the test over. A giant pink plus sign stared back at her expectantly. Lily screamed.

James burst through the door, his glasses crooked and filthy. "WHAT'S THE MATTER?" he stared at his wife worriedly, her shoulders shaking as her back faced him.

"James," Evelyn whispered, her eyes wide as she turned around slowly, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I'm pregnant."

There was a long pause before James blinked slowly, his body stiff. "Sorry, what did you say?"

Evelyn let out a sob, burying her head in her hands. "We're having a baby."

She felt a strong pair of arms encircle her chest as James lifted her close, cradling her body. She looked up to see his eyes shining with tears. "Are you upset?" she hiccupped, rubbing her eyes and feeling rather hysterical. "I told Lily I don't know if—"

She was cut off as James kissed her soundly, twirling her around in the small space. "WE'RE HAVING A BABY!" he beamed, holding Evelyn close in his arms.

Letting out a relieved sob, Evelyn pressed her cheek against his, opening her eyes to see Severus standing in the doorway.

Her twin raised an eyebrow. "A bit of wisdom: never trust Potter with a secret."

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