Chapter 20- It's a Scary World Out There

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"Thank you," Evelyn turned to the bus attendant, who she had learned was called Matt Shunpike. She smiled weakly, offering a handshake. "I really appreciate it."

Matt shook her hand firmly, beaming a cheerful grin. "We actually get quite a few of you sorry lot with nowhere to go."

Evelyn didn't know whether to be offended, but she nodded gratefully as she stepped off the platform. "Tell Stan I said hello."

Matt waved the photograph of his new baby boy, whom Evelyn had grown all too familiar with. "Will do, lass."

Evelyn gave the man a final wave before leaving the bus and entering the busy streets of London.

Leaves fluttered down from the branches above as black taxi cubs roared down the small roadways. Muggles ran to and from, chatting happily among each other. Some were obviously tourists, who examined large maps and clasped souvenir bags, while others were residents, who carried briefcases and dressed in smart-looking suits.

Evelyn inhaled deeply, stepping quickly into a clothing store. She had her wand if she needed it, but she was hoping the few pounds she had earned over the summer could purchase a shirt and leggings.

"Hello," an older woman greeted warmly, stepping out from behind her counter. Her skin was a soft caramel color and her dark hair was streaked with grey, which was pulled back into a low bun at the base of her neck. "How can I help you, honey?" She smiled, red lips carefully painted.

Evelyn returned the grin tightly, trying to hold back a sudden wave of tears. She looked over at a clothing rack, quickly examining its articles. "I just need a few things, thank you."

"Of course," the woman bustled over and began sorting through her shelves. "My name is Anastasia, but please, call me Ana."

Evelyn nodded quietly, watching as she carefully selected a black hoodie and a pair of simple jeans.

"Now," the darkhaired woman thrust the clothing in her direction, her expression firm. "Go change before the Muggle realize its too early for costume parties."

Evelyn's mouth fell open, but she took the items wordlessly and stumbled into the changing room. Trying to avoid looking at her reflection, she pulled the hoodie over her head and stowed her robes into a bag hanging on the back of the door. It didn't look very big, but her clothing fit into its opening easily.

Evelyn opened the door with a frown, her expression bewildered. Ana was humming to herself as she folding a jumper carefully, smoothing out any wrinkle. "Why are you helping me?"

"Direct, aren't you?" Ana raised a manicured eyebrow. "Can't one help another these days without being interrogated?" She shook her head, muttering to herself as she gestured for Evelyn to walk out the door. "Don't want the Muggles to be scared away, you look a fright my girl."

Evelyn bit back a small smile, wincing with pain as she attempted to smooth her jeans.

Ana rolled her eyes and took out a wand, waving it expertly in Evelyn's direction. Instantly, her cuts began to heal and her bruises faded.

Evelyn looked down in amazement, flexing her arm before raising her head in gratitude.

Ana smiled softly, her eyes unreadable. "Now go, and watch out for Death Eaters," she peered over her shoulder warily. "They've been getting worse."

Evelyn stuck her hand into her hoodie pocket, grasping her wand carefully. Walking out the door, she paused as Ana stuck out a hand.

The woman stared at her, her eyes seeming to change from brown to gold. "You walk a shaky path. Do not be afraid to trust or it will be your downfall."

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