Chapter 26- Nerves and Quidditch

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"I cannot believe he actually asked you out!" Lily looked up from where she was wrapping a scarf around her neck carefully. She brushed her hair to the side in frustration. "First decent thing Potter's ever done."

"Right," Evelyn snorted, looking up from where she was lounging on her bed. She chewed on her lip nervously. "Are you sure you're okay with it, Lils?"

"For the last time, yes," the redhead waved her hand irritably in dismissal. "You can stop walking around on eggshells and get excited, you know." There was a pause before she turned around, her emerald eyes teasing. "Your first date ever, right?"

"Shut up," Evelyn scowled, tossing her pillow in the redhead's direction. "Just because I prefer the company of books to men—"

"That is such a lie!" Lily exclaimed, grabbing the pillow and holding it to her chest. "You read more romance than anyone I know."

"Who reads romance?"

The girls froze to see Sirius standing in the doorway, a lazy smile on his face.

"No one!" Evelyn scrambled off her bed, pulling her pillow out from Lily's arms. "What do you want, Black?"

Sirius gasped, raising a hand to his chest in mortification. "Now is that any way to talk to the future godfather of your children?"

"In your dreams," Evelyn retorted, a blush rising on her cheeks. "Who in their right mind would trust their children with you?"

"Watch your tongue, Snape," Sirius growled, sending her a playful wink. "You'll drive James to seek comfort from my arms."

Lily rolled her eyes, an expression of revulsion crossing her features. "You're disgusting."

"You're just jealous," Sirius turned back to face Evelyn. "Just wanted to see if you ladies are coming to the Quidditch match. Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff."

"I am," Lily tightened her scarf, tucking her jumper into her skirt gently. "Evelyn has sworn off public events after people discovered she was a werewolf."

"That's stupid," Sirius rolled his eyes, bounding over to where Evelyn stood uncomfortably. He narrowed his gaze and Evelyn felt a wave of fear. "Evans, I have an idea."

A few minutes later, Evelyn examined her reflection in the mirror, tugging on the sleeves of her maroon jumper. "Isn't this a bit much?"

Lily had pulled her hair into a high ponytail, securing it with ribbons of scarlet and gold that matched the Gryffindor shirt the redhead had loaned her. Stripes of red and gold lined Evelyn's cheeks, Sirius's personal touch.

"I still say you should have Prong's number on your forehead," Sirius responded grumpily, folding his arms over his chest.

"NO!" Evelyn turned away from the mirror, running a hand through her ponytail. "That is where I draw the line."

"There's nothing more attractive to a man than a woman's admiration for him publicly displayed," Sirius wriggled his eyebrows suggestively as Evelyn blanched.

"Luckily for me then, that James isn't a man. He's not even of age," Evelyn shoved the boy out the door. "Don't you have a Quidditch match to get ready for?" She made sure Sirius had disappeared down the hallway before slamming the door and turning to Lily with a groan. "I'm not ready for this."

"You made that decision when you agreed to a date with Potter," her friend shrugged, pulling out an extra cloak.

"You're right," Evelyn bit her lip thoughtfully, pulling on the cloak and walking down the stairs to the common room. "Maybe I should have been put in Gryffindor."

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