Chapter 31- Strange Encounters of Diagon Alley

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Evelyn yawned, stretching in her bed as the late August sun streamed through the window. Groaning, she rubbed her forehead as the events from last night came pouring back. There was a knock at the door.

Without waiting for a response, Gideon pushed it open, holding a tray of tea. "Someone's in a foul mood."

"I am not!" Evelyn jumped out of the bed, no longer embarrassed of her Hippogriff pajamas. Fabian and Gideon had already teased her enough about them. She leaned against the desk in the corner of the room. "Just reflecting, I suppose."

Fabian wrinkled his nose as he followed his twin inside. "Sounds awful." He reached over and tapped her on the head with a napkin. "School days are over, princess."

"Right," Evelyn grabbed the paper from his hand before turning to the tea kettle. "What kind today?"

"Oh, we didn't really make tea," Gideon admitted sheepishly. "Just wanted to wake you up."

Evelyn rolled her eyes, but looked over at the twins with a smile, "what's the favor?"

"What?" Fabian held a hand over his chest, looking offended. "Can't we do something nice without being questioned of our motivations?"

Evelyn raised a skeptical eyebrow as she gathered her hair into a short twist. "No."

Gideon shrugged, unfolding a piece of parchment from his pocket. "Can't argue with that." He handed her the slip. "We need some ingredients."

"Lacewing flies?" Evelyn looked up in suspicion. "For what?"

"Ask no questions and we tell no lies," Fabian chirped, tapping her on the nose. "Will you do it? Should be able to find it all in Diagon Alley. Maybe Knockturn at worst."

Evelyn snorted. "Sounds lovely." She looked at the two gingers, who gazed at her with pleading expressions. "Why can't you two do this? You always like shopping."

"We have undertaken the solemn duty of babysitting Molly's gnomes," Gideon held a hand over his heart. "Bless them."

"Oh alright," Evelyn conceded, turning to pull out a fresh pair of robes. "But I'm adding stuff for myself."


A few hours later, Evelyn stood on the streets of Diagon Alley, her hood drawn. Although she had been mostly forgotten by her former classmates, it was better not to take chances. Ducking into Flourish and Blotts, she removed the covering as she disappeared into the back of a crowd of shoppers.

"Why are we in a ruddy bookstore again?"

Evelyn held back a groan as Sirius stood a few feet away, looking at Remus in disgust.

"Because it's the only way I can deal with you and James all year," Remus retorted, tossing a heavy volume into Sirius's arms. "Be grateful it's not a gun."

Sirius perked up instantly. "I've always wanted one of those."

Evelyn tiptoed passed the two, trying to blend in with a group of Ravenclaws. She faltered, however, at the sight of James and Lily holding hands.

"What do you think of this book?" the redhead looked up in frustration, her hair frizzy. "At least find one to read."

"I'll leave the reading to you, Lilyflower," James replied absently, looking out the window. "I'm more of the action type."

Lily set down the book slowly, a hesitant expression growing on her face. "Are you upset about seeing Evelyn last night?"

Evelyn stiffened as James snapped around, nearly catching her watching. "What?"

"You've been acting weird all day," Lily pointed out, forcing him to meet her gaze. "And don't say it's nothing."

James sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It was just strange to see her again, that's all."

Evelyn took a few steps backward before turning and quickly exiting the shop, feeling guilty at the thought of eavesdropping any longer. Pulling the list out of her pocket, she scanned the items once more, trying to calm her racing thoughts.

"Idiots," she mumbled towards Fabian and Gideon as she trotted quickly down the street in the direction of Knockturn Alley.


"Thanks," Evelyn tried to avoid eye contact as she stowed the vial she had just purchased from the strange wizard in her robes.

The man grinned. "Anything else I can help you with dear?"

"No thank you," Evelyn backed away hurriedly, only turning around when she was sure she was out of sight. Shaking, she turned and collided directly with a darkhaired boy.

"Watch where you're going!" he snapped, dusting off his robes, his silver eyes cold.

Evelyn stared in shock, her mouth falling open. "Reg?"

Regulus froze, his eyes landing on Evelyn's face. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Evelyn looked over her shoulder before pulling him into an alleyway. She scanned his figure anxiously, searching for signs of injuries or pain. "Are you alright?"

"So now you care," Regulus spat, ripping his arm out of her grasp. "It's a little too late for that."

"I never stopped caring!" Evelyn took a step forward, the blood rushing to her face. "Reg, what's happened?" She lowered her voice, looking away regretfully. "I'm sorry for what I said last time."

The boy shrugged her off, turning back towards the entrance of the alley. "It doesn't matter."

Evelyn grabbed his arm, refusing to let go. "Yes, it does."

"And what are you going to do?" Regulus spun around, his tone sharp. "Tell your little Order friends? Word travels, you know. They're starting to recognize your face." He looked down, shaking his head. "You shouldn't be here."


They both stiffened at the sound of Walburga's voice, calling for her son. Regulus stiffened and turned to go.

"Wait," Evelyn bit her lip as she reached up and unfastened the chain around her neck. The pendent was a small silver coin, which glinted slightly in the fading light. "Take this," she pressed it into Regulus's glove. "All you have to do is squeeze it and it will take me right to you."

Regulus stared at the necklace for a moment, watching the coin swing back and forth in his fist. Then, he shook his head, confusion evident in his gaze. "Okay."

Evelyn watched him walk away, fighting the urge to grab him and drag him back. Back to safety. Before they had to chose sides. 

Turning Tides- Snape's Sister (Marauder's Era)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن