Chapter 34- Missions with Moody

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"Remember CONSTANT VIGILIANCE!" Moody slammed the table with his staff, making Evelyn jump. She sent a look over to Fabian and Gideon, who were miming the Auror's actions behind his back.

"Don't think I can't see, Prewetts," Moody snapped, glaring at them with his fake eye. "This is an important mission. Be serious."

"We find that humor helps one not despair," Gideon replied honestly, sending a wink in Evelyn's direction. "As well as get the admiration of the ladies."

Moody grunted, leaning forward over the old boot lying on the table. "There is only one woman I care about right now, and that is—"

"Good old Bellatrix," Fabian interrupted, looking at the shoe in disgust. "Just tell me that didn't come off of your foot."

Moody rolled his eyes, not bothering to respond. "Just put your finger on the bloody portkey and let's get this over with."

Evelyn reached over and placed a hand on the sole of the boot, closing her eyes as a familiar tugging sensation pulled at her stomach. The air circled around her in gusts, coming to a stop only as she was flung to the ground. Panting, she stood and brushed the dirt off her jeans, eyeing the large manor that loomed in front of them.

"Another ancient rich house," Fabian wiped his hands on his robes. "Lovely."

"The important thing is that it's relatively empty," Moody grunted, swinging his staff as he moved forward. "According to our source, the Lestranges and Malfoys are staying on vacation."

"Wonder if they take turns dueling each other," Gideon grumbled, nearly tripping over a snake statue. "Sounds like their version of fun."

"QUIET!" Moody held up a hand, motioning for them to stop. "Fabi-Gid-," he sighed. "Whichever on of you is on my right, you're coming in with me. The other one, come in through the back. Snape, you stay and watch. There may be more coming." He pointed his wand at a window near his shoulder. "Aloharmora."

Evelyn opened her mouth indignantly, ready to protest, but Moody's glare silenced her and she nodded grudgingly. "Alright."

Taking a step back, she positioned herself behind one of the pillars at the entrance, watching apprehensively as Fabian and Moody climbed through the opened window. Gideon circled around and disappeared into the bushes. For a few minutes, the silence seemed to drag on and Evelyn wondered if it had been a set up.


Evelyn stiffened as there was a deadly flash of green from the upstairs window, followed by a fierce crash. Ignoring Moody's warning, she grabbed her wand and sprinted through the doorway, crossing the marble floor to the stairs.

"Back again?"

The cool voice made Evelyn stiffen and she turned around slowly. "Hello, Malfoy."

The blonde man smirked, waving his wand dramatically. "I think we are on a first name basis now, aren't we, Evelyn?"

"Hardly," Evelyn spat, whipping her wand and causing a dark purple curse to go swirling in his direction.

Lucius conjured up a shield charm, but was thrown back by the weight of the spell. Panting, he tossed a lock of hair over his shoulder, his eyes losing their amusement. "I see you're ready for a rematch."

Evelyn threw another jinx in response, toppling over a suit of armor and causing it to clatter across the floor.

"Pity," Lucius tutted, stepping over the pieces delicately. "That was expensive."

Evelyn narrowed her eyes, waving her wand. The pieces began to reform, melding together until the knight was full once more. Lucius watched in amusement.

"I didn't think you were the type to clean up your messes."

"I'm not," Evelyn pointed her wand at the suit. "Piertotum Locomotor."

Instantly, the knight sprang to life. Grasping its sword, it unsheathed the cold metal and began to swing it at Lucius, who dove out of the way in surprise. Evelyn watched triumphantly.

"Thanks, Minerva." She turned and ran up the stairs, nearly falling on the slick marble. Following the noise, she burst through a pair of double doors into a large sitting room.

Bellatrix was involved in a heated duel with Moody, who leapt from side to side eagerly, his face red with pleasure. Fabian and Gideon had Rodolphus surrounded on either side and the twins took turns casting jinxes in his direction. Evelyn watched in horror as Bellatrix casted a killing curse that nearly hit Moody's chest and she dove, shooting a disarming jinx in the witch's direction.

Bellatrix spun around, panting heavily as she blocked the spell. Her hooded eyes widened in amusement as Evelyn scrambled to her feet. "I know you," she purred, taking a step forward. "You ready for me to cut your other cheek?"

"STUPEFY!" Evelyn roared, glaring murderously, her hair fallen completely out of its bun and dancing across her shoulders.

Bellatrix smiled as she deflected the curse easily with a flick of her wand. "Do try not to be so obvious darling."

Evelyn ducked as she sent a nasty looking jinx spiraling toward her face. Rolling over, Evelyn sprang to her feet and pointed her wand at the curtains underneath the Death Eater's feet. Immediately, flames burst forth, quickly devouring the fabric and racing up Bellatrix's dress.

The witch let out a shriek of surprise, stomping on her robes fiercely. While she was distracted, Moody appeared from behind her, his eyes swiveling madly. "Incarcerous."

Ropes sprang out of thin air, thicker than the ones Evelyn had managed to conjure. Bellatrix lunged and bit, attempting to free herself from their grip, but failing. Fabian and Gideon watched from where they had managed to stun her husband, their faces grim. Evelyn sagged with relief.

"Snape," Moody's voice was deadly as pops began to sound from downstairs. "What did I say about watching the door?"

Evelyn's eyes widened in horror as she recognized the noise of apparation. At least six Death Eaters had already arrived. Bellatrix grinned up from where she lay on the floor, her eyes dancing with amusement.

"Little baby Snape didn't listen." She shook her head, a mass of curls falling in her face. "I do wonder how Sevvy turned out so well."

Evelyn stiffened at the mention of her brother, but Moody had already grabbed her arm roughly. The grizzled Auror pulled out a small coin, turning it twice before the manor disappeared in a blur of colours.

Evelyn landed on the floor with a groan, her face pressed into the ground.


She scrambled to her feet at Fabian's worried tone, holding a hand to her mouth as she saw Moody lying on the dirt of the forest floor. The bottom half of his leg was missing, now ending in a bloody stump above his knee. His face was a deathly pale and Evelyn could tell he was struggling just to keep his eyes open. She rushed forward, kneeling by his shoulder.

"I am so sorry," her eyes filled with tears as she gazed at her mentor. "I was an idiot."

Moody's fake eyes swiveled to glare at her harshly. "We can talk about your failings later," he grunted, gritting his teeth. "Just make yourself useful."

Evelyn bit her lip as she began moving her wand in a smooth motion over his knee, trying to remember all the spells he had tested her with. Bit by bit, skin began to regrow over the exposed flesh, although the outer layer was thin and a vibrant red. After a few horrible minutes, Evelyn leaned back with a sigh of relief, her hands bloody.

"Wicked," Fabian stared at Moody's knee in amazement. The ginger grinned. "Always thought you would look badarse with a wooden leg, Mad-Eye."

"Prewett, I just got my leg splinched off," Moody opened his real eye just enough to send the twins a scathing glare. "I have no patience for any of your nonsense."

Turning Tides- Snape's Sister (Marauder's Era)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя