Chapter 36- Order Meetings and Hope

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Steading herself, Evelyn blew a deep sigh out of her lips as she stared at the door, unable to find the motivation to enter.

"See the funny thing about doors," Fabian appeared at her side, looking at her with a skeptical expression. "Is you actually have to turn the handle to open it."

"Oh shut it," Evelyn managed a small smile as she smoothed over her robes once more. "Are you sure they're going to be there?"

Fabian nodded, a flash of sympathy in his blue eyes. "Seeing as Sirius is of age and the rest are reaching it, Dumbles thought that they should be here. Last meeting before Christmas and all that."

"Right," Evelyn stuffed her wand into the pocket of her robes, taking a step forward and pushing open the door.

The usual murmurs and conversation filled the room as members of the Order stood around the central table, various glasses in their hands. Due to the nearing holidays, there seemed to be a general peace for once resting on the group, who did not cast the usual wary glances and suspicious glares. Evelyn bit her lip as she saw Lily seated at the table, staring at the wood blankly. The redhead looked as though she had been crying.

"She and James broke up."

Evelyn turned around to face Sirius, shock evident on her face. "What?" She took a step back, shaking her head shamefully. "It was because of the Patronus, wasn't it?"

"Yes, she took it hard," Sirius answered honestly, not bothering to sugarcoat the truth. "First time James has ever been dumped." He raised a cigarette to his lips, smoke trailing up in front of his face. "Although it was his first relationship too."

"Lily dumped HIM?" Evelyn squeaked, her lips parted in shock. "What? Why?"

Sirius sent her a dry look before striding away. "You should ask Evans that yourself."

Evelyn stared at her friend, who was twirling her glass absently and let out a sigh. Mustering all her resolve, she walked over to Lily, dodging a few Aurors.


The redhead looked up, her emerald gaze pained before she snapped her head back down to the table. "Hey."

"Listen, Lily, I'm just going to say it," Evelyn wrung her hands nervously, biting her lip. "I don't want you to break up with James. I'm really sorry about what happened, but that doesn't change anything—"

Lily held up a pale hand, her rings glinting faintly under the light of the chandelier. "Yes, it did." Taking a sip of champagne, the redhead finally met her eyes. "It made me realize how I had to stop ignoring all the signs."

There was a long pause as Evelyn grew more nervous, shifting her weight on the seat. "Signs?"

"That's it's not me he truly cares about," Lily shook her head vehemently as Evelyn opened her mouth to argue. "No. I'm not asking for your pity, I know the truth." She sighed, fiddling once more with the drink in her hand. "He was too much of a gentleman to end it. But I couldn't pretend anymore."

Evelyn sat in discomfort, feeling a mixture of guilt and excitement. She shook her head, mentally scolding herself for not thinking of the pain Lily must be in. "Lily, I would never want to come between you two."

"But you have," Lily grimaced, reaching over to squeeze her hand softly. "And that's okay. Maybe in other life James and I would have worked." The redhead paused, her emerald eyes glistening with emotion. "But that's not this one."

Evelyn reached over, throwing her arms around her friend's shoulders and holding her close.

"Well now that we've had all the sentimental rot," Moody's voice startled her, the grizzled Auror staring in her direction as he continued, "there is business to attend to."

Turning Tides- Snape's Sister (Marauder's Era)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang