CH 25(Questions⁉️)

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Published 1/25/2021

Part 2 of the birthday double update! I finally got around to finishing Elizabeth in her transformer body! I'm pretty happy with how she came out. She looks better than the original.

Thank u all for sticking around and reading this story for a year! I'm not sure how many chapters this book will end up being but im excited to experience it with u!

I opened my eyes seeing the same ceiling as I did last time I opened my eyes.

Guess it wasn't a dream.

Starscream really tried to kill me and the Autobots saved me.

I let out a groan as I tried to sit up.

"HEY! DO YOU WANNA OFFLINE! Don't move!" Rachet came out of nowhere as he pushed me back down.

"Oomph, hey im feeling better" I complained as I was pushed down flat.

"Because I gave you a numbing secretion you idiot!" he snapped as he rubbed his forehead with an irritated sigh.

I stared at the ceiling above me lost in thought.

"Why" the single word escaped passed my lips.

I felt multiple gazes on me now.

"Why what?" Arcee questioned.

"Why did you save me?"

"Why didn't you kill me?"

"Why are you so kind to me? I'm not exactly your friend"

I sighed out my jaw clenching as I spoke.

"You're right your not our friend" wheeljack spoke coming over to my side so he could look down on me.

"But your not our enemy either. You've helped us" he smirked at me.

A large hand placed its self on Wheeljack shoulder.

Optimus prime now stood next to me.

"WheelJack is right. You've helped him and Ultra Magnus and for that, I owe you my thanks." the prime smiled down at me.

"I Remember you" a memory from the mines when I was taken by starscream resurfaced.

He gave me a curious look. "It's been a good while since we first met" I smirked at the Autobot leader.

"Do you remember the human that changed into a transformer in the mines?" my smirk widened as I watched multiple optics widen in shock and realization.

"It's you" BulkHead gasped in shock.

"Wait! Optimus this was the human transformer that you told me about?!" Rachet gasped as he stared at me like a medical miracle.

Which I kinda was.

"Surprise mother fucker" I quoted myself from so many months ago.

"You've been alive all this time... We gave up hope of ever finding you alive after starscream took you" Bulkhead looked down seeming to regret " abandoning" me.

"It hasn't been that bad" I chuckled.

Before I could continue a young voice called out to the bots in front of me.

"Hey! Is she up yet?!" A familiar young girl's voice yelled out. Miko

I couldn't see her from my laying position but I could distinguish 3 sets of different steps.

Must be the rest of the Autobot charges.

"Nice to see ya again Miko" I called out to her.

"HAHA sweet you're up" she laughed as she started to beg Bulkhead to give her a hand up so she can get closer to me.

"How are you alive? Why didn't Megatron enslave you?" Arcee questioned me as a young boy stood next to her. He had a head of black hair and seemed to be the oldest of the 3 children.

"Megatron was curious about me so he kept me alive. I guess over time he grew to like my attitude and decided to keep me around" I shrugged my shoulders not entirely sure how I should answer her.

I wasn't even a 100% sure why he kept me around.

"So you're able to change from a human to a transformer?" a young male's voice questioned. I looked in the direction of the voice and saw a young boy with glasses standing in the servo of the yellow and black mech I had yet to learn the name of.

"Yes," I nodded my head sending him a kind smile.

"How is that possible" Rachet questioned his voice low almost as if he was asking himself.

"Mutant" my head snapped back to the boy.

"You know about mutants?!" I was shocked. Not many normal humans knew of us.

I watch the boy nodd his head "ya, after I head about you from bee a free months ago I began to do some digging and I read up on mutants"

"You're a very smart kid" I chuckled. He reminded me of Henery aka Beast.

"Yes, im a mutant" I confirmed.

"Incredible" rachet whispered.

"As much as I love talking to you I have to leave as soon as possible" I didn't want to be rude but I must get back to the ship.

"Why would you wanna go back?!" the black-haired boy exclaimed shocked.

"I have to" before I could explain why Optimus put a servo on my shoulder.

"You don't have to, you can stay with us. We will protect you" he promised.

I bit my lower lip if he had asked me months ago I would have said yes.

But now.......

"I can't" I denied.

"I have to go back. I can't leave-" I paused and looked away.

I took a deep breath and looked back at him "you don't understand. If I don't go back you'll all die. I can only imagine what lie starscream said about my death"

"I understand" the prime nodded.

"What?! Optimus you can't be serious!" Acree exclaimed stepping forward.

"She could tell Megatron where we are! We can't trust her. She works with the Decepticons!" she argued.

"Arcee" Optimus began but I cut him off.

"She's right" all attention was back on me now.

"Im a risk to you. But im a bigger risk being here. Just knock me out and drop me off somewhere. That way I won't know your location" I tried to bargain.

"Well your not going anywhere until your healed" Rachet cut in.

"We'll discuss this later, for now, I need to run some more tests on you" He went over to his computer and began to type away.

I have to get out of here

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