6 (destruction 💥 )

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Published 2/29/20

It's been about two weeks since I've been with the Decepticons.  I've finally figured out as to where I am too.

At the moment I was located at a Decepticon tower which was located a few miles out of Jasper. I kinda figured it out because it's in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by desert and mountains. It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.

Sadly during my time with the Decepticons, I haven't been able to contact my family at all.

I am still required to wear my collar so I can't transform into my human form which actually doesn't bug me as much as I thought it would. I can imagine a couple of scenarios where if I was human walking around the halls, I might be squashed by some of the other Bots. 

This was the longest I have ever been in my robot body. And I could feel it starting to take a toll on me.

I would get awful headaches, chest pains and sometime my body would just go limp, I would be completely paralyzed. But thankfully no one has noticed any of these yet.

But over my time here Knockout and I have grown very close. He is now pretty much my best friend on the ship. He helped me fix my paint from when Starscream first hit me.

I've spoken with Megatron a couple of times and he actually isn't as bad as I originally thought he was. He lets me roam around the ship and do as I please. As long as I follow orders and don't break anything.

But me and Starscream? I constantly prank and harass his ass. He absolutely hates and fears me at the same time. It's freaking amazing! I've beaten him up a couple of times just because he's pissed me off or cuz he tried to scratch Knockouts paint.

I've never been punished for my shenanigans cuz as Megatron had said to me multiple times I am quite amusing. And a good source of entertainment for him.

I now have my own "room" on the ship, it's located right next to knockouts lab thankfully. So if I ever need anything I can go right to him.

Most of my days I find myself wandering the Halls, or helping knockout in his lab or training.


As I walked by one of the many open areas in the tower I froze and watched in shock as the Decepticon airship took off towards the Autobot base.

It came to a slow halt over the base before it started powering up the plasma canon. A bright purple power beam shot out of the ship. Hitting the base causing a chain reaction of explosions.

My Servos shot up to my mouth covering it as I gasped in horror.

There were human kids in that base! From what I've learned about the Autobots some of them had human companions.

I raced to get to the highest position of the tower to get a better view of what was going on.

When I reach the highest point in the tower I could get to. I looked out through the open area in the walls and saw a large army of human vehicles and helicopters coming towards the base.

I watched in horror as one of the top cannons on the tower started charging up before a bright greenish-yellow plasma beam shot towards the humans.

The armored vehicles were pulled together like a magnet before exploding away from each other.

I raced out towards knockouts lab, large wet Energon tears slipping down the side of my faceplate.

I race through the doors as they opened and crashed into Knockout's large warm chest. Wrapping my arms around him tightly I buried my Helm into his neck cables.

Feeling knockout stumble slightly from the shock and impact of my body. I slowly felt his arms wrap around me.

One of his servos cradling the back of my helm while the other stayed securely around my waist.

"My dear, what's wrong" he whispered into my processor.

"Megatron he-he" I couldn't say but I knew knockout knew what I was talking about.

"Oh, my dear" he whispered hugging me tighter to his frame. I stayed in his warm embrace for what seemed like hours.

----couple hours later----------

As I quietly walked through the Halls I stopped at a corner as I heard two Mechs talking to each other.

" did you hear that the Autobot Wheeljack is on the ship?"

"Ya, heard Starscream is interrogating him right now"

With that new information, I've raced off towards the interrogation rooms being careful not to be spotted.

I quickly hid behind a wall as one of the doors to the interrogation rooms opened and Starscream walked out grumbling about how stubborn and stupid the Autobot was. And how he was going to regret disobeying him.

Just before the doors closed I quietly slipped into the room.

I turned around to look at the mech that was being held in the air by Blue restraint.

He looked rough for wear. He had multiple scratches and dents and was leaking energon in a couple of places. Nothing super serious thankfully.

I slowly made my way up to him.

His optics quickly locking onto my form.

"What the hell you want con" he spat at me. Disgust clear in his raspy voice

"I'm here to help you" I whispered walking closer.

"I don't want any help from some stupid con" he hissed again.

"I'm not a con" I hissed back at him getting irritated by this thick-headed bot.

"I was taken here a couple of weeks ago, you stupid mech" I snapped at him.

His eyes widened slightly and he scanned my frame quickly, looking for some sort of insignia or a sign of a lie.

"I'm not a Decepticon but I'm also not an Autobot. Now let me help you before I run out of time and that stilleto wearing drag bot comes back" I hissed and quickly begin patching his wounds just enough but not enough to be noticeable.

A small smirk appeared on his face at what I called Starscream

"Who are you," he asked? His optics scanning over my form with curiosity.

"Names Elizabeth" I stated finishing closing his last Energon leak.

He gave me a confused look.

He was about to open his mouth but I cut him off.

"I have to go before someone finds me, stay alive. I'll try and come back to help you" I stated before quickly sneaking back out of the room and down the hall.

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