2 (Race🏁 )

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Published 2/1/2020

I slowly pulled into the driveway of my new home. Parking my car in the2 car garage. I slowly get out taking a deep breath in and stretching my back and arms hearing the sound of satisfying pops and cracks coming from my bones. Looking around the garage all I saw was my boxes lined up along the wall. For the last month I've had all my things shipped overseas to this house.

I press the button on my lanyard that controlled the garage doors making them close. I slowly enter my new house and begin to look around seeing all the boxes that filled each and every room of the house.

It was going to take me at least all day and maybe half of tomorrow to unpack all of my things if I don't stop and take any breaks. At times like this, I really wish I had a different mutation.

Letting out a sigh of annoyance I quickly connected and set up my speakers before I started my playlist.

The Familiar tune of "Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5" blared through the speakers.

I quickly started un packing and moving furniture while grooving along. An occasionally singing along  while shaking my hips side to side and tapping my foot.

Time seemed to fly by as I unpacked my thingd. Cuz when I looked out one if my windows I had seen that it was no longer bright and sunny. It was now dark with stars out.

Wiping some of the sweat off my head. I glance at the electrical clock on the wall. 10:35 pm.

Not exactly feeling tired or wanting to do any more unpacking I pulled out my phone and searched up to see if there was any races tonight.

It's been a hot minute since I last raced and I've been having a very strong urge lately to do just that.

A smile quickly lit up on my face seeing that there was a race and it started at 11 about 20-30 minutes from where I live.

Quickly throwing on a leather jacket I grabbed my keys off the counter and raced out towards my car the garage door quickly opened and I pulled out and raced off down the road.

Slowly pulling up. People parted for my car making room for me. I parked my car next to a beautiful red
Aston Martin One-77.

I slowly opened my door letting my legs be the first thing outta my car. Hearing all the wolf whistles from the men around me. I smirked at them and walked up to the man who appeared to be taking the bets.

" who you bettin on little missy," he asked. His eyes taking a quick scan of my body. Lingering on my hips and cleavage a little too long for my liking.

"Me" I started, my smirk still plastered on my face. Placing a hand on my hip.

The man's eyebrows shot up in Surprise. "You be racing? This ain't no go-cart track lady' he started.

I point to my car his eyes following my finger. I watched as his eyes widened slightly then quickly scanning over my baby.

"you see that monster over there? That monster has never seen a set of tail lights, Ever" I emphasized on the ever a smirk plastered into my face.

"Alright fine, you're in" he stated.

"The race begins in 5 you'll be in position 4" he stated before walking away.

I walk back over to my car my eyes scanning Over The Beautiful Red Beast next to it.

Walking over to it I walk around it. Admiring the crimson paint and tread of the tires.

Squatting down next to the passenger door I lifted my left hand and gently laid it on the door. While my other hand lightly traces the tread pattern on the tires.

"Such a beautiful car, the paint job is incredible. Not a single scratch. Someone really knows how to take care of you, huh big boy" I spoke almost waiting for the car to respond.

The only response I got was the car heating up and shaking slightly almost like a shutter. Now that's odd?!

My eyebrows shoot up quickly scanning over the beautiful red beauty.

My head turned away from the car as I heard a man yell.

"Racers to the starting line" a man called out.

I quickly stood up and went back over to my own car but not before glancing back one last time at red. I felt drawn to the car, something was not normal about it. I quickly hopped into my car and headed over to my racing position.

I pulled up next to the 2009 Nissan 370Z. Its main color was black with neon designs going all along the side of it.

The driver rolled down his window and I rolled down my passenger.

"Hey sweet cheeks, say how bout after I win this we head over to my place. So you can give me my own reward" the man smirked and winked at me.

I withheld the urge to gag. Instead, I smiled at him.

"How about this, if I win, I get your car and if you win ill come over to your place" I started smiling flirtingly at him.

"Alright deal, just to let you know there won't be any rubber" he winked at me. Making me wanna gag and throw up.

Thank God Dom and Letty taught me how to deal with scum like him.

I watched as a girl in booty shorts and a crop top, wearing cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. Strutted in front of the cars.

She held a green flag over her head.

All the cars racing revved their engines. Including me.




"GO" She screamed and we were off.

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