5 (Puppy eyes🥺)

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Published 2/22/20

When I opened my optics again I found myself strapped down on a large metal hospital bed. In a dimly lit room. Still in my robot body. With a metal collar tight around my neck cables.

I tried transforming back into my human form only to find that I couldn't. My optics widened in panic and I started to struggle against my restraints.

"It's useless femme" a slightly deep voice stated. I turned my head as much as I could and spotted a Red bot with his back to me, he was tapping away at a computer screen in a language I had never seen before.

"Where am I?" I questioned.

He turned to me and my body begin to heat up as I looked at him.

He had beautiful red eyes, that almost matched his red paint. He looked as if he stood about a foot taller than me.

He walked closer to me and pulled out a device that scanned my body.

"You're on a Decepticon warship" he stated simply looking down at the thing that scanned me.

"I-i know you from somewhere" I stated feeling an air of familiarity.

He raised one of his metal eyebrows at me. "Oh, do you now? I don't recall ever meeting a femme that looked like you. Trust me, my dear, I don't think I could ever forget someone that looked like you" he smirked at me.

I felt my faceplate heat up. So I looked away from him.

"Ca-can you please release me?" I asked him stuttering slightly. Shocking me since I rarely ever stutter.

"I wish I could, but at the moment you are our prisoner. Along with, you have quite a nasty injury to your spinal plates."

"What happened to me" I questioned him, trying to recall how I got injured.

"Starscream hit you with one of his projectiles" he stated sounding irritated.

"The idiot did some awful damage to your paint. But if you allow me, once you are fully healed I could fix it for you" he stated walking back over to his computer. Plugging in data from the scanning machine.

I smiled, he wasn't that bad. "That would actually be a lot of help" I stated.

"Wait, what's your name?" I called out to him.

"My designation is KnockOut" he stated while looking over his shoulder at me a small grin on his lips.

"Why can't I transform," I asked?

"Starscream had informed me of your ability to change from a human into a cybertronian so he had me make a special collar to keep you from transforming." He stated as if it was the most simple thing in the world.

"How long have I been unconscious?" I asked him.

"About 3 to 4 earth days. Thankfully that has given me time to fix you. Your wounds should be completely gone within the next 3 earth days" he stated.

"Why was I brought here?" I continued to ask questions.

Before he could answer my question the sound of a sliding door caught our attention as a large, scary cybertronian walked in with Starscream right on his heels.

", Aww I see our little prisoner has awakened" the large scary one spoke. A sickly smile on his faceplate.

"Lord Megatron, she had just awoken. I was just about to come and inform you" Knockout stated.

"Of course you were" Megatron stated sarcasm clear in his voice.

He walked towards where I laid with loud thundering footsteps.

He stopped next to my bedside his optics scanning my whole body. Sending chills of disgust through me.

" what's your designation femme" he demanded

"Elizabeth" I stated looking him in the optics.

"Hmm, Elizabeth? You'll be staying with us for a while so I hope you make yourself comfortable. Knockout she will be under your charge" Megatron stated.

I watched as Knockouts optics widen and his jaw drop.

"My-my lord" he tried to argue but with one look from Megatron, shut him down.

"I'll be speaking with you later my dear" Megatron stated with a smirk before he and Starscream left.

Knockout let out a sigh of annoyance.

"Great" he muttered under his breath.

"Sooo Knockout since I'm now under your care do you think you could take off these restraints? I promise I won't try anything! I just gotta move" I promised him. Giving him puppy dog eyes.

I watched in satisfaction as he caved into my puppy eyes and he walked over with a key.

"I swear to primus if you break anything or try to escape you'll be sorry" he grumbled quietly under his breath.

Soon I was released from my restraints. I slowly sat up hearing my joints crack.

I hopped off the berth only to stumble as my legs were slightly weak from not being used for a couple of days.

My body hit a broad hard chest and something grabbed onto my hips keeping me steady. My eyes slowly scanned over the red paint of the chest.

I soon felt my faceplate heat up and I quickly pulled away and stood up. I looked away from knockout, out of embarrassment.

"S-sorry" I stuttered.

"It-its fine" he grumbled also embarrassed.

I looked back at him and scanned his paint job once more. Soon the image of the sexy red Aston Martin One-77 came to my mind. My optics widen in shock and my jaw dropped slightly. I took a couple of steps back and pointed at him accusingly.

"Your-your the Aston Martin One-77 from the race" I stated in shock! Then I remembered what I said and did around the car. My blush glowing even brighter now. I've been calling this guy sexy, beautiful and BIG BOY!

Knockouts optics widened at first but quickly narrowed "You're the femme who beat me!" He yelled stalking towards me a snarl and a blush on his faceplate. It was as if we were playing cat and mouse as I backed away from him only to stumble and fall backward onto the medical bed.

Knockout pinned me to the bed quickly. His servos on either side of my head. His helm only a couple of inches away from mine. He had maneuvered his body so it was positioned between my legs. His body was pressed firmly against mine. Making my cooling fans kick in as I started feeling hot against his strong hard body.

I smiled nervously at him and let out a shy laugh.

"Wow what a small world" I awkwardly tried getting away.

"I've never lost a race before" he hissed. Getting closer to my face.

"But since you completed me oh so nicely and you couldn't keep your greedy little servos off me, I'll let it slide. Just this once" he hissed only meters away from my lips making sure his hot breath hit my face. Making my body shiver in want.

He stood up and backed away from me as if nothing happened and he got back to work. I slowly sat up my whole body now hot and bothered.


For the next couple of hours, I helped knockout out by cleaning around his lab and busying myself by learning the cybertronian language. I tried to stay away from knockout. Whenever I got close to him or when he got close to me. My body would begin to heat up.

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