CH 27 (Please no 😰)

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Published 2/10/2021

What do y'all wanna see in the future? I wanna include and interact with you more!!!

"I swear if we get in trouble im blaming you" I hissed at the white mech from the driver's seat of his vehicle mode.

"Aw come on doll well be fine" wheeljacks voice echoed throughout the car.

It had been a few days since I discovered that I was able to transform into a car like the others.

And only just a few hours ago did I transform back into my human body, and was pretty much kidnapped by Wheeljack while no one was looking.

"So do you mind telling me where we're going" I sighed out as I relaxed against the leather seats of his Lancia Stratos Turbo 5.

These guys really knew how to pick their cars.

"Well, you wanted a vehicle mode right? I think I know where to find the perfect one just for ya" I could hear the smirk in his voice.

Raising an eyebrow I crossed my arms over my chest. "Oh really now? You think so?"

"Oh I know so"

I really enjoyed being around Wheeljack and the other Autobots and even the children. It was so different than being with the Decepticons.

After an hour and a half of driving, we came to a slow stop.

I had practically smashed my face and hands against the window as my eyes widen in shock.

The familiar tow yark raff had told me about was in front of me.


I could hear Wheeljack laughing his ass off at the indent on his window from my face.

"Wheeljack I fucking love you!" I all but screamed as I opened his door and raced to the entrance of the shop.

Only to come to a skidding stop at the red sign that said CLOSED on the door.

"Well this works out in our favor" Wheeljacks voice from behind me made me jump back out of my depressed state.

I looked back at his car body with a pout and confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"This part of town is practically abandoned and they don't have any working cameras" he went on as he transformed with that smirk that seemed to never leave his face.

I looked around nervously before transforming as well.

"Man, I don't think I can ever get used to that"

I glared at the mech before stepping over the tall wired fence of the tow yard. Wheeljack following close behind me.

I scanned over the yard looking for the familiar red and gray car.

There in the very center, was my baby practically glowing in the light of the sun. It took every ounce of restraint to not squeal and run towards them.

A low whistle from behind me made me glance over at Wheeljack who had his hands on his hips his blue optics taking in my car. "Damn kid. You got one sweet ride. Miko wasn't lying"

"Jackie, did you take me here so I could make my car my own vehicle mode?" I was curious.

"Guilty as charged" he raised his servos in a surrender type of way.

He got closer to me so he could stand next to me.

"Ok teach what do I do?" he was probably an expert since he's done this all his life.

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