10(I'll always worry😟)

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Published 3/28/20

As I lay there under the massive metal dragon, I was beyond shaken up at what had happened.

I slowly lifted one of my shaking servos and started to rub my abused neck. I flinched at the sensitivity of the metal and cables. The collar and the attack my neck just had did not help it.

My optics stayed locked onto the predacon above me. It's large frame kept my body pinned to the ground of the room.

Its large optics watched my every move, in its optics and emotion appeared. It was satisfaction.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Bad giant metal dragon" I snapped pointing at him accusingly.

"How am I going to explain what happened to the collar" I started to panic. Trying to think up a story on what happened to the collar. If anyone found out that I was in here and what happened. Who knows what they would do to me. Knockout would be so pissed at me!

The Predacons face planet changed from pride to concern seeing my panting form.

He gently nudged me with his helm trying to calm me.

I started to stand up on my shaking legs.

I walked over to the remains of my collar and picked up the pieces.

As I stared at it for a minute and an idea came to mind.

What if I told knockout that I had to forcefully take the collar off because of the effects of being in my robot body for too long. Thank could work!

A smile came to my face. It's perfect!

I glanced back over to the predacon who watched me with curiosity.

"So I uh um, gotta go ok. If im caught in here im gonna be in big trouble and they might not let me see you again" I started causing the predacon to growl at the fact if I get in trouble he might not see me again.

I carefully made my way over to the door, it slid open and I carefully slid into the hall and made my way down to my room.

As soon as I entered my room and close the door I immediately transform back into my human form.

Leaning against the wall. Now fully feeling the extent of being in my robot body for too long and the interesting session I just had with the Predacon.

I shut my eyes tightly, I don't think I could move even if I wanted to. My human body was so weak and starved. It was skin and bones.

Just because my robot body could survive on Energon doesn't mean that my human body did I had to get human food soon or I would more than likely die.

I had to get knockout. Almost as if he knew I was thinking about him I heard a knock on my door.

" Elizabeth are you in there? A warning went off on Your Collar can I come in?!" Knockout's voice came through the door.

"Ya please come in" I called out weakly.

The door slid open and in walked in the big red mech. His Optics scan the room and confusion until they landed on my small form leaning against the wall.

" Elizabeth" he exclaimed and shock! Kneeling down in front of me.

"What happened, where's your collar why does your human body look so weak!" He interrogated starting to scan my body noticing how skinny and malnourished it was.

" I'm sorry knockout I had to take the collar off. You see if I stay in my other body, for too long it can start causing me side effects. I had to take it off, and the reason why I look like this is because my other body can maybe able to survive off of Energon but my human body can't. It hasn't had human food in months" I stated as my vision started to go in and out.

"You idiot femme! Why didn't you tell me this! I could have taken care of you" he scolded while his faceplate held panic.

"Sorry red, I just don't like people worrying about me" I whispered just as my vision went completely black.

But not before hearing knockout say "I'll always worry about you, you idiot".

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