3 (Race and High Heel Robot 👠)

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Published 2/8/20

In split second I lifted my left foot from the brakes and slammed my right foot on the accelerator, the acceleration on the car caused me to sink into my black leather seat slightly. I held onto the steering so tightly that my fists we're slightly turning white. A bright smile never leaving my face.

Within seconds I shifted into second gear taking my car over 150 MPH easily outrunning my opponents. Except for one. The beautiful red  Aston Martin One-77 was right next to me.

I was confident I would win this race for sure, as I shifted into third gear now going over 170 MPH, my car was more than capable of going over 230 MPH.

As I saw the first corner coming closer, I waited till the very last second before slamming my left foot on the brakes and turning my steering to the right and made a quick right turn. Feeling my car drift around the corner with ease. I straightened her out with ease. Quickly pressing down on the gas, my baby quickly regained her speed. Looking next to me, I saw red was staying with me.

(I've never met a driver other than dom and Letty that could keep up with me before!)

I pressed my gas pedal all the way to the ground. Watching as my speedometer started going up rapidly.

I was going max speed. I looked back at red seeing that he was trying his hardest to get past me. But the Aston Martin One-77 top speed is about 220. If you don't mess with the engine that is.

But my car has a top speed of 267.

I soon saw the finish line coming into view.

I decided to hit my acceleration Button. I opened the small hatch that covered it. Taking a deep breath. I prepared for the extra power. I soon hit it, my car now went almost 300 MPH.  I let out an adrenaline-filled laugh, looking in my rearview mirror I saw a giant cloud of dirt and dust trailing behind me.

I raced past the finish line, red coming in a couple of seconds behind me.

People quickly surrounded my car, yelling and cheering for me. The man who I talked to earlier about racing came up to me with a big smile on his face.

He grabbed my hand and held it in the air

"I give you your winner" he yelled and let go of my hand. Handing me the large wod of money I just won.

"HEY YOU BITCH" A voice yelled at me just as I was about to get in my car.

Turning around, I saw the man that owned the 2009 Niisan coming up to me with a pissed off look.

He quickly got in my face. Practically spitting on me as he talked.

"You little bitch! Who the fuck do you think you are?!" He yelled in my face.

My eyes narrowed into a glare.

"I'm the one who just kicked your ass and the new owner of that car over there" I stated pointing at my new 2009 Niisan.

He brought his hand up that was clenched in a fist to swing at me.

I quickly grabbed his wrist with my left hand and twisted it behind his back and forced him to his knees.

He let out a cry of pain and shock.

I brought my right hand up and made it look like a gun and pointed it to the back of his head.

Using my mutation I made my finger turn into a small canon. Letting it click. Letting him know it was loaded.

"I suggest you not doing anything stupid if you don't wanna see what little brains you have splattered on the ground" I hissed at the man.

Feeling him shake in fear.

"Wh-what are you" he stuttered.

I smirked and leaned down and whispered in his ear. "Your worst nightmare".

I released him and kicked him to the ground. Watching as he scrambled away with a scream. Throwing his keys at me as he ran.

I smirked and picked them up off the ground.

I scanned the area for the beautiful red car that had caught my attention only to see that is was gone. My shoulders slumped in disappointment. I really wanted to meet the owner of that sexy red Beast. Yes, I called the car sexy. Cars can be sexy so don't judge me!!!

Letting out a sad sigh I got into my car. I'll come over here tomorrow to get the Nissan. I didn't want someone I didn't know driving it home and finding out where I live.

I looked at the time my eyes widened in shock as I saw that it was almost 1:30 in the morning.

I've been here for a while. But I didn't really feel like going home yet. I was new to the town and wanted to get to know it more. I also had a feeling that something big was gonna happen. And no way in hell am I gonna miss out on it. (I might regret that later)

I started driving along the back roads outside of Jasper.

I was heading to a nearby abandon cole mine. I've seen from Google maps that is was huge and that no one ever really goes there. I've seen my fair share of mines. But I'm a curious person. What can I say? I can't help myself🤷🏼‍♀️

As I came to a slow halt on top of the mines ridge. I had gotten a bad feeling. I felt like I was being watched.

I slowly and quietly got outta my car. And looked down into the large mine.

Only to freeze in shock. My eyes bugged outta my head and my jaw dropped.

Coming in and out of the mine were very large robots. They all had red glowing eyes.

"Well well, what do we have here?" A high pitch male voice asked? It coming from behind me.

I spun around quickly and looked up. In front of me was a giant slender built robot.

I looked down at its feet. My eyes scrunching up in confusion.

Is-is it wearing heels?!

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