CH 17 (shock⚡️)

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Published 11/18/2020

I'm really curious about my audience for this book. How old r u? Are u a boy, girl? What do u identify as? What grade are u in? Where in the world r u from?

I'm 18, a girl, I'm a senior in High School, and I'm from the United States located in New York🥰

I almost busted out laughing when Miko grabbed the screamer.

Miko grabbed hold of Starscream and started spinning around in a circle before releasing him sending him flying into one of the guards.

The 2nd guard began shooting at her but with her new armor, it didn't even faze her.

Making sure the camera followed her I enjoyed myself. I was soooooo showing this to Knockout. Maybe this will help get that stick out of his ass that's been there for the last few days.

Miko rammed the 2nd guard and turned to Starscream just as he launched a rocket at her which she caught in.

She's one badass human.

The rocket exploded in her hand causing a smoke cloud.

She came crashing down from above Starscream and slammed into him with her feet sending him skidding backward.

The 2 guards were back up and we're doing their best to attack her, but she was kicking all their asses.

"Woo hoo Go Miko" I cheered with a laugh.

"It's her!" I heard males voices exclaim from behind me.

I spun around my optics wide. Well, scrap.

I spotted the 3 male Autobots.

2 of them familiar to me. Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus. But the 3rd I had yet to meet.

I gulped nervously as the 3 mechs started to advance towards me.

My servo changed into a blade as I held it in front of me as protection.

I may have helped them before but that doesn't mean they won't see me as an enemy since I am with the Decepticons.

"Why are you with the Decepticons?" Ultra Magnus ordered.

I didn't know what to say really. Yes, Starscream kidnapped me and I was originally forced to stay with the Decepticons but now im free.

I could have left many times but now I don't know if I do now.

"Come with us. We can help you. You're not like the Decepticons" Wheeljack tried to lure me to come with them.

I almost wanted to but 2 faces popped in my help stopping me. I couldn't leave Knockout and I definitely could never leave Predaking.

"I can't" I strained out as I looked away from them.

"I need a ground Bridge! Now!" I ran away from them just as Starscream took off. I ran through the portal leaving behind the Autobots and the human.

Walking through the empty halls I entered the lab where Knockout was.

"Hey there mister grumpy pants" I smiled at the red mech who had his back to me.

"Hello Elizabeth" he sighed and turned to me.

I frowned but then remembered why I had come here. A grin appeared on my face.

" I have something that will have you laughing your ass off!" I pulled up the recorder and went to the saved memories.

With a raised eyebrow he came closer and looked down at the screen.

Hitting play we started laughing our asses off.

by the end, we had tears in our optics from how hard we were laughing.

"By the All Spark! I have not seen anything as hilarious as this ever" Knockout laughed out wiping away a tear.

"He got his ass handed to him" I giggled recalling the screamer getting beat by Miko.

But then the Autobots came to mind and a frown made its way to my face.

"Are you alright?" Knockout held my shoulder and made me look at him.

I shook my head and smiled at him.     "Everything perfect. I'm just happy you're speaking with me again" I elbowed him in the side.

"im sorry about that. I've just been so busy running errands for Lord Megatron" he sighed out and moved back to the computer.

"It's alright" I tapped his shoulder.

"But I need to go, I'll see you later?" I questioned him tilting my head.

He chuckled and glanced at me with his red optics. "We will see each other later. I promise"

----------------- 🐉 ---------------

I entered the main hanger and spotted Starscream holding a shock rod waving it at Predaking who had his back to him and was laying down.

Oh, what the fuck?!

"Starscream!" I yelled out grinding my teeth as I stalked forward.

" I don't think we finished speaking earlier. " I hissed standing in front of him.

He seemed to have grown some backbone as he also stomped towards me.

"Ive had enough of you!" he hissed.

"you've had enough of me? I'm surprised that Megatron hasn't killed you yet! You have done nothing and have only caused problems!" I hissed at the mech.

"I should have squashed you the day I found you at the mines" he hissed.

"You could never beat me" I smirked.

In anger, he raised the shock rod.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion as I saw the tip light up in electricity, and it coming down onto my chest.

My body froze up as I was electrified. A scream erupted past my lips in pain only stopping when he pulled the rod away letting me collapse to the floor.

Quickly he brought it down and slammed the electric part into my neck cables sending more shocks through my body as another scream erupted past my lips.

The shocking stopped as a ferocious unlike I have ever heard before shook the ship.

Using his giant head Predaking smashed into Starscream sending him flying through the air.

Using his much larger body Predaking stood over me protectively. Lowering his body slightly to hide me under him.

The giant beast was shaking and waves of anger were flowing off of him.

"You mangy beast! How dare you attack your master!" Starscream exclaimed and stood up holding the shock rod.

My body began to shift back to its human form as it twitched from the electricity.

Predaking let out a warning growl as Starscream moved closer.

The predacon lunged forward and pinned the screamer to the ground wrapping the mechs head in his jaws prepared to rip it off.

Raising my hand weakly in a hoarse voice I called out. "Don't"

Predaking froze but didn't remove the terrified mech from his jaws.

"Please" my eyes started to close.

With a hiss at Starscream, he came back over to my tiny body being careful not to hurt me.

I didn't see Starscream run out of the main hanger as Predaking had all my attention.

This was the first time he had ever seen me in my human body.

Even though he was giant he was very careful as he wrapped his body around me. His helm coming to rest next to my body as he let out a wine of concern.

"Thank you......Predaking" I whispered and raised my small hand to stroke his metal cheek.

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