9 (cuddles 🤗👅)

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Published 3/23/20

The preadcon was kept in a cell a few doors down from my room. I rarely ever saw him out, unless Megatron was using him.

The weather for the last 2 days has been awful so Megatron allowed the predacon to stay inside and rest.

No bot was aloud in his room without permission from Megatron or shockwave. It's not like there was a line anyway. Almost everybot feared him. With good reason. I'm pretty sure only shockwave and I are the only ones who don't fear him.

So what I'm about to do is really stupid. But here I am standing outside of the Predacons cell. I couldn't help the feeling of wanting to be close to the giant metal dragon. It was the same feeling I had around knockout when I first met him.

I slowly entered the passcode on the keypad. Watching as the door slid open, revealing a large dimly lit room. Taking in a deep breath I took a couple of steps into the room. Not spotting the Predacon anywhere.

The door slid closed behind me cutting off most of the light source to the room. I took small cautious steps until I stood in the center of the room.

I spun around quickly hearing something scratch and scrape against the metal floor.

My optics shot up to meet with the bright golden optics of the predacon who stood in front of me. Now blocking my exit. And only escape if something goes wrong. Not that I would even make it to the door.

Gulping slightly, I held my hands up showing him I mean no harm and that im unarmed

"Hey there big boy," I said softly not wanting to provoke him. He watched me with curious and cautious optics. The intense stare of his gold optics staring down at me made me shiver.

He let out a huff of air before lowering his head so his optics were eye level with mine. I gave him a nervous smile. Not breaking eye contact.

He slowly walked around me, sniffing me here and there. Until he had made a full circle around me.

He came to a halt again. His body is now wrapped around mine. His helm again in front of mine.

"I -uh just wanted to meet you properly" I started scratching the back of my helm nervously. Hoping that I didn't just sign my death wish.

He just stared at me with his big gold optics. Not making a sound. Feeling slightly awkward I looked down and nervously played with my fingers behind my back rocking back and forth on my heels.

"My names Elizabeth, I'm kinda a prisoner and Guest here. It all depends on how you look at it." I stated shrugging slightly. I looked back up at him showing my smile.

He let out a couple of chirps/purs at me almost as a greeting.

I let out a giggle and brought one of my servos up to his helm slowly.

He watched my servo with caution before slowly pressing his helm into my servo.

I smiled and gently began to pet him. Letting my servo run along with the warm metal of his helm. Tracing the little details in his metal. Just as I was about to speak again I was cut off.

I let out a gasp as I felt my peds taken out from under me as his tail swiped them.  My optics shut as I waited for the impact only for it to never come.

The predacon held me in the air with my door wings in his mouth. Even with his large sharp teeth, he was careful not to hurt me.

My face grew hot, my door wings were very sensitive. And feeling his hot breath and teeth against them made me feel weird. My body quickly started to heat up. 

I squirmed a bit trying to get out of his mouth but quickly stopped as he growled at me.

He carried me to the corner of the room before setting me on the ground and surrounding me with his large warm body. With his wing covering me slightly. He maneuvered his helm so it could be rested in my lap.

I smiled happily and begin to pet him. Letting out a giggle as he began to purr once again.

His optics were shut as he fully caved into my petting. After around 30 minutes his whole frame had gone limp and small snores escaped him.

Soon realizing my predicament I slightly panicked. I didn't want to wake him up but I also couldn't get caught being in here.

Who knows what Megatron would do to me.

I tried to slide out from his grasp only to freeze when his optics shot open. They were set into a hard glare. His optics we're focused on my face.

I watched as his optics scanned my face. Before they slowly glanced down to my neck where my collar was. The glare he had narrowed even more, as he let out a low growl.

Thinking I had pissed him off I tried to get out of his grasp.

I let out a soft scream as my body was slammed down onto the floor. The Predacons large body towering over me. Having me pinned completely to the floor.

His helm was only a couple of inches away from my face. Our optics we're locked. I felt like I was in a trance and that I couldn't hear anything but the sound of my own spark beating rapidly in my chest. The only thing I could focus on was the glorious predacon above me.

The Predacons face came closer to mine before lowering at my neck where my collar was. He sniffed at it causing me to squirm at his hot breath.

He growled at me causing me to go still.

I shut my optics tightly as I saw him opening his large jaws showing off his sharp teeth.

I let out a gasp as my optics shot up as I felt my collar being ripped off my body.

The predacon had ripped off the collar with his teeth before ripping the metal to shreds with his mighty jaws.

I stared at him in awe. He looked back down at me. His optics focused on my now bare neck.

He leaned down, his hot breath hitting the exposed sensitive metal of my neck cables.b

I closed my eyes and my mouth opened slightly as a low moan came from my lips as I felt his rough glossia run over my neck cables.  My servo shot to my mouth as my eyes were wide in shock at the sound that came out of my mouth.

I tried pushing him away to no avail as he was much bigger and stronger than me. He continued to lick and gently nip at my neck as I tried to surpass my moans that we're trying to escape past my lips and servo.  His glossia ran over a sensitive part of my neck that sent shocks throughout my body making me squirm.

He seemed to notice as he focused more on that one point. After another minute he finally stopped and his helm cuddled into my neck.

I was stuck panting as I tried to regain control of my body that was slowly starting to cool down.

What the actual fuck just happened!

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