ch 18(Strike me again🦾)

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Published 11/25/2020

I think this book needs a new cover. Don't u? Anyone wanna help a sister out😅 im not good at making covers. If you do I'll give u full credit and dedicate a chapter to u. Just leave a comment or DM me if you're interested! THANK U IT WOULD BE A BIG HELP

It had taken a while for my body to slowly return to normal. I still felt jittery from being shocked but I could move now.

I was leaning against Predakings large metal cheek.

"Your probably pretty confused huh" I smiled staring up at the sky watching as a star shot across the sky.

he made a small growl sound like a yes.

"You see. I'm a mutant, not all humans are the same. I'm apart of the small human race that has an extra gene that gives us abilities. That's how I can change from a cybertronian to a human. Even though im 21 soon to be 22 im still learning about my mutation." I stroked his metal cheek as he let out a small pur, enjoying my touch, and understanding what I was saying.

" I wonder if one day I could somehow transform into a car like the others or maybe even...... "I looked up into his large golden optics. "a predacon".

I looked away as my heart began to act weird. "I've never come in contact with anyone with a similar mutation to mine before so I'm not sure what I'm truly capable of yet"

I went back to staring at the sky above us letting out a small yawn my eyes began to grow heavy.

Predaking let a wine as he moves a bit. Noticing I was slowly falling asleep. It was chilly outside and I didn't even notice due to the heat coming from his metal body.

"wanna help me to my room big guy" I smiled up at the giant, my body still weak from earlier.

He almost seemed to lighten up as he used his large metal paw to gently guide me up onto the top of his helm where I held onto one of his horns.

"wow," I giggled as he walked. I felt so tall. Good thing I wasn't afraid of heights.

He entered the halls and slowly made his way down them. Surprisingly there weren't any guards.

"Im gonna kill that screamer the next time I see him. Can't believe he used a shock rod on me" I grumbled.

Predaking let out a hiss at the thought of the mech.

I giggled. "im so glad I met you"

The beast under me froze for a moment but continued walking down the empty hall.

"so I heard that you might not be alone soon" I recalled, remembering me eavesdropping in on Megatron and Shockwave's conversation earlier.

" I overheard that Shockwave was making more Predacons for Megatron's army."

Predaking didn't make a sound as he listened to me.

"when you meet the other Predacons promise not to don't ditch me, ok" I looked down at the metal on his head.

"I like being with you, so don't leave me alone" I mumbled.

We were now in front of my door. It slid open and he walked in taking in the small room.

I could hear him inhale deeply as his helm turned in the direction of my human bed on the cybertronian berth bed.

Leaning down he allowed me to slide off of him.

My legs wobble but I caught my balance leaning on his warm nose.

Looking up into his beautiful golden optics in wonder. He was so different with me. A hunter one minute but a giant cuddle buddy the next.

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