4 (Mines 💣)

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Published 2/15/20

Before I could run or do anything the large robot wearing heels hand tightly wrapped around my small body and lifted me off the ground. I let out a scream in fright as I squirmed trying to break out of its grasp.

"Let me go!" I screamed and tried to get myself out of its grip. I used my fist to pound down on its hand. Doing little to no damage.

He let out an evil chuckle and jumped down into the mine. Making me scream. When he hit the ground it vibrated from his force and weight.

"I wonder what I should do with you, little fleshy" he questioned looking me over with an evil grin.

"Put me down you piece of scrap metal, heel wearing drag robot!!" I yelled at him. Hitting him again with my fist. My eyes were narrowed into a hard glare. A snarl on my lips.

He gave me a strange look before it turned into a nasty glare. He starred at me hatefully and squeezed me harder making it hard to breathe. I took in a deep breath in pain, feeling the extra pressure against my ribs. Making me squirm slightly in discomfort.

"I'd watch your tongue you pathetic fleshy" he hissed at me. Bringing me closer to its face.

"The only thing that's pathetic is thinking that those heels look good on you fuck face" I snapped glaring at him with clenched fists.

" why you pathetic little human! How dare you insult me! Do you even realize who your dealing with" he snapped at me?

" no I don't" I growled.

"You should care, your life is in my servo" he practically yelled at me.

I held my hand up and started counting my fingers before putting them all down.

"You see this? This is how many fucks I give about you. Ya that's right NONE! NO FUCKS GIVEN" I yelled at him waving my fist at him.

"He glared at me hate fully.

"If you don't let me go right now your gonna regret it" I hissed at him leaning forward as much as I could.

His eyes held hatred and disgust, as he was about to respond he was cut off by another voice that was very deep.

"STARSCREAM RELEASE THE HUMAN" a deep male voice yelled.

The robot that held me let out a cry of shock and jumped while turning around.

I looked in the direction to see 4 robots. 3 looked to be male while 1 looked female.

They all had canons on their arms and had them pointed at us. Great just great.

"Autobots" the robot that I believe is called Starscream hissed. My eyes scanned the group of Autobots.

"Release the human you Decepticon scum" the female hissed. She was small compared to the make bots, she had mostly blue and silver paint with some pink accents on her head, arms, and legs.

This may be my only chance to escape since he's distracted.

I took a deep breath and focused on my body. I imagined it becoming bigger, stronger, harder.

I felt my body start to grow hot and I felt the familiar metal plates start to grow out of my skin and cover my growing body.

Hearing multiple gasps coming from all the robots around me. Starscream released me with a scream and stumbled back away from me. My feet hit the ground causing it to shake slightly. I stood to my full height. A smirk plastered on my faceplate.

I was almost as tall as the male robot in front of me.

My bright blue optics locked with his red ones that were wide in shock. His arms were slightly up as if to protect himself.

"SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKER" I screamed and pulled my fist back punched him in the face sending him flying back a couple of feet.

"Im-impossible" he screamed and scurried back away from me.

I smirked at him and took a couple of steps towards him. "Nothing is impossible" I smirked and cracked my knuckles. About to give this bot the beat down of the century.

"Uhhh did every bot just see what I just did?" I heard a male voice behind me question sounding creeped out. I turned around and looked at the group of 4 blue eyed robots. My eyes went to the large round green one.

I was about to question them when I felt something hit my back and explode. Causing pain to erupt all over my back. I felt my body hit the ground and darkness took over.

The last thing I heard was battle cries and gunfire.

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