The Magic Bowl

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"Tell me, O Holy Water, what is the secret of the elements?"

The water in the golden bowl moved in a circular motion, forming a whirlwind within.

Advika stepped back at once. She kept her hand on her chest and took a deep breath. "Relax, relax, everything is fine," she murmured. She sometimes wondered how did she even agree to get into such a thing when she knew she had been crippled with anxiety.

Maya's hands danced in swift circles, gathering the invisible currents of air, forming a powerful sphere within her grasp. With a precise motion, Maya directed the ball of air towards the rope, extinguishing the fire in an instant.

Tej grabbed the rope. Ray followed.

"No, Ray," said Tej and looked at his friend.

"Ouch!" cried Ray leaving the rope.

"Tej is fire, Ray. Hot things cannot harm him, but they can harm you," said Maya.

"Understood," said Ray and removed a handkerchief from his pocket. He covered his palm with it and grabbed the rope. Both the boys started to climb up through the rope.

"That's us, the five of us," said Zarna as she peeped in the golden bowl.

Tej adorned a magnificent, bejeweled crown, regally seated on a throne amidst five other thrones. Positioned to his left, Advika radiated elegance, her crown adorned with pearls and opals. To his right, Ray's face beamed with joy as he fiddled with his golden crown.

Maya occupied the seat next to Ray, her head adorned with a silver Diadem, exuding an air of grace. On the opposite side, Zarna wore a crown crafted with fresh flowers intertwined with precious gems.

They all found themselves seated within the grandeur of a colossal hall, its splendor awe-inspiring.

"Why are we dressed like Kings and Queens?" wondered Zarna.

"How does this picture answer my question?" quizzed Advika.

"Girls," called Maya holding the rope. "We need to get out of here asap," she said and started to climb up with the help of the rope.

Zarna rushed towards the rope and grabbed it. "Advika, quick," she said as she pushed herself up the rope.

Advika nodded her head and gave a last look to the picture in the bowl, smiling.


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