Revealing the Past

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Ray hit the break as they arrived at a bungalow. 'Patel House', read the fancy nameplate.

Ray glanced at them before speaking, "I'll pick up Tej and join you later. In the meantime, you can start the investigation."

Maya leisurely strolled across the parking area, taking a moment to sit and survey the surroundings. Zarna followed suit, joining her on the ground.

Curiosity piqued, Zarna questioned, "What does it all mean?" Her eyes scanned the mysterious black ash scattered on the ground.

Maya carefully gathered some of the dark residues in her hands, raising it to her nose and closing her eyes for a moment. After a brief pause, she confidently replied, "This is a symbol of negativity and the presence of malevolent forces."

Advika, who had been observing the scene, offered further clarification. "The white powder you see reacts and changes colour upon contact with negative energies."

The trio exchanged knowing glances, realizing the gravity of the situation they were about to delve into.

"It means that someone, some intruder, with bad intentions had been here," added Maya.

"Let's collect it before Tej comes," said Advika and removed a small glass bottle from her pocket. Maya followed.

Zarna folded her arms and tilted her head looking at her friends. "Do you guys like always roam around with such stuff?" she wondered.

Maya smiled and looked at Zarna. "You always got to be equipped when you are on such a mission."


Something is not right, thought Rutuja as she observed Rishi who was playing with Rio in the backyard.

Daksh walked up to Rishi and extended his hand. Rishi smiled and took his hand, getting to his feet.

Daksh looked at Rio and patted his back. "Rio never liked anyone, except me, Danj, and-"

"And?" asked Rishi grabbing a stick for support.

"Devansh," said Indra as he appeared in front of the boys.

Rutuja dashed down the stairs and hurried towards the backyard, her curiosity piqued. Behind her, Dai Ma emerged, carrying a mysterious barrel in her hands. With careful precision, Dai Ma gently set the barrel down on the ground, tapping it twice with her fingers.

To everyone's astonishment, the barrel began to levitate, floating through the air and moving towards the kitchen window as if guided by an unseen force.

Perplexed, Rishi couldn't help but voice his question, "Who is Devansh?" His gaze shifted between Rutuja and Daksh, seeking an explanation for this uncanny display.

"Dad," said Daksh and nodded his head.

The weight of the revelation hung heavily in the air, and a somber silence settled among the group. Indra, his gaze fixed on the vast expanse of the sky, spoke with a tinge of sadness in his voice.

"I understand that it's not easy for you to talk about it, Indra," replied Dai Ma, her voice laced with a mix of pain and understanding.

As Indra shared the truth about Daksh's twin brother, Danj, and the existence of an elder brother unknown to them, Rutuja couldn't help but exchange a concerned glance with Daksh. Her eyes closed briefly as she absorbed the impact of this newfound knowledge.

Indra's words continued, revealing the fate of their eldest son, Devansh, a name unfamiliar to Rutuja and Rishi until now.

"Was?" Rutuja interjected; her confusion apparent.

Dai Ma, with a heaviness in her voice, answered, "Azazel took his life."

Tension gripped Daksh as his fists clenched, his emotions raging within him. Without a word, he turned and started walking towards the house, his steps resolute.

"Daksh-" Rutuja began, her voice filled with concern, but her words were left hanging in the air as she watched him slam the door behind him, encapsulating the whirlwind of emotions that consumed him in that moment.

"Why?" asked Rishi as Rio took a step towards him, nuzzling his elbow.

"Devansh was the protector of the book," revealed Indra. "He gave his life protecting it."

"And Danj?" asked Rishi patting Rio's back.

"Danj was killed by Azazel's men on that black night," said Dai Ma. "Tara could only save one."

"I couldn't save my sons, but I will protect you all till the last breath of my life. I cannot lose anyone now," said Indra fighting back tears.

"So much for just a book?" wondered Rishi.

"It isn't just a book," began Indra. "Besides, if that book falls into wrong hands, or at that time when it was weak-"

"Weak?" questioned Rutuja.

"Azazel's power were at their peak back then," answered Indra. "The Kings and Queens had just made the book-"

"The book was made?"

 "Kings and Queens?" 

"Who are these Kings and Queens?"

Indra was showered with questions from Rishi and Rutuja.


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