Back in Time

18 2 0

Rutuja and Zarna blinked in confusion as they slowly opened their eyes. Before them stretched a quaint village straight out of history, with cobblestone streets, charming cottages, and women and men dressed in clothing befitting the 18th century. The atmosphere was filled with the distant echoes of laughter, and the scent of freshly baked bread wafted through the air.

As they cautiously moved through the village, they realized that no one paid them any heed. It was as if they were invisible, mere observers in this bygone era. Children ran through the streets, some straight through them, playing with hoops and sticks, while adults engaged in lively conversations and went about their daily routines.

Rutuja's gaze fixated on a familiar face among the villagers. She froze in her tracks. Her heart pounding in her chest. There, amid the 18th-century crowd, stood her great-great-grandmother, a young woman with a striking resemblance to her mother.

"That's my ancestor," she said as she made her way to a humble hut. Zarna followed.

In the midst of children playing with hoops and sticks, she saw her own grandmother, but as a seven-year-old child. Her grandmother's face was filled with youthful innocence and joy as she laughed and played with her friends.

"Where do you think Adrito's ancestors' home would be?" wondered Zarna. "We have only a few minutes. Plus, we don't know what his ancestors looked like."

"Lookout for Devjana Nivas," said Rutuja and moved past her ancestor's home after pausing for a brief moment.

They stumbled upon a home that stood out among the surrounding cottages. It was a charming, well-maintained house with intricate wooden carvings and vibrant flowers adorning the windowsills. What truly caught their attention, however, was the inscription above the door, written in beautiful Sanskrit script: "Devjana Nivas" - the Home of God's People.

Rutuja and Zarna exchanged surprised glances; their curiosity piqued. Without hesitation, they marched towards the inviting entrance and pushed open the creaking door.

Inside, they found a warm and welcoming scene. A family, consisting of parents and a lively five-year-old child, sat around a wooden table. The room was cozy, illuminated by the soft glow of candles, and the aroma of freshly prepared food filled the air.

"Looks like he comes from a rich family," commented Zarna and followed Rutuja as she examined every object in the house, from utensils to books to clothes and artifacts.

"What artifact are we looking for exactly?" questioned Zarna as she rummaged through the wooden cupboard in what looked like a child's bedroom.

As Rutuja carefully reached out to examine a particularly ornate chest, her fingertips brushed against a mysterious object partially concealed within. The moment her hand made contact, an unexpected jolt of energy coursed through her, causing her to flinch and recoil.

"What happened?" said Zarna.

Rutuja's eyes widened with surprise, and she withdrew her hand, cradling it as if it had been scorched by fire. The sensation had been abrupt and unsettling, leaving her heart racing and her senses on high alert.

The artifact in question appeared to be nothing more than a simple, unassuming stone. It was roughly the size of a palm, with a smooth, grayish exterior that seemed to have weathered the passage of time. Upon closer inspection, however, it became clear that this was no ordinary stone but a cleverly disguised portkey.

Carved into the stone's surface were intricate, almost imperceptible, patterns that resembled ancient runes. These runes glowed faintly with a soft, ethereal light, revealing the hidden magic contained within the artifact. They were symbols of transportation, linking the stone to a specific destination in the world.

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