Finally Meeting

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"You girls!?" said Rutuja as she threw the steel rod on the floor.

"What are you doing here?" demanded Maya and crossed her arms.

"I'm not answerable to you!" snarled Rutuja and looked around. How did the street lead me here and why? she thought. She glanced at Advika. "Is she fine?"

"No, she's unconscious," replied Zarna.

"As far as I've known," began Rutuja. "You have the element water. Why didn't you-"

The girls' screams echoed through the room as the door burst into flames and collapsed to the ground, its hinges shattered and scattered across the room. Blinded by the sudden burst of light and engulfed in swirling dust, they instinctively raised their hands to protect themselves.

"Advika!" Tej exclaimed, his heart racing with worry. He hurried towards her and enveloped her in a tight embrace. "Advika, what happened?" he asked, his voice filled with concern and relief at seeing her safe in his arms.

Maya and Zarna shook their head, recovering from the shock. "Panic attack," was all Zarna could say. She was shocked beyond words. She looked at Maya, who gave her an 'I don't know too' look.

Ray sprinkled some water on Advika's face and shook her. "Advika!" said Tej.

Rutuja cautiously approached the shattered door, peering outside to find herself in another room filled with chairs, tables, and various objects. Determined, she made her way towards the door in that room, hoping to find a way out.

"It's locked!" Ray exclaimed, turning around just as Advika regained consciousness. Concerned, Tej offered her some water, and she coughed before nodding in response. Advika blinked several times, trying to comprehend her surroundings. She looked at Ray and Tej in disbelief, then shifted her gaze towards the girls, searching for answers in their faces.

"We tracked you girls," revealed Ray.

Rutuja tried every trick she could to open the door but failed. She formed a ball of light and directed it towards the door.

"Nothing will work! We already tried," said Ray and turned to look at his friends. "How did she get here?"

"We don't know," answered Maya. "We're shocked too."

"And stuck too. Great job you guys," said Tej and patted Advika's head. She realized she was leaning on him and moved away, getting to her feet. "You sure you're fine?" he asked again. She nodded her head and took a deep breath.

"How did you get here?" she asked as she stepped on the burnt door and advanced towards Rutuja. "What if I ask you the same?"

"We came here looking for a woman. And you?" asked Advika, hoping she could get an answer.

"Some book led me here," replied Rutuja and began pacing across the room, looking for a window or some opening that could get her out of here.

Advika walked towards her friends. "There's no way out," said Ray. "Tej had to set that window on fire for us to get in."

"Which window?" quizzed Rutuja and walked towards them into the other room. "I do not see any window here."

"It literally turned into a solid wall after we jumped in," replied Ray.

"Don't worry. We'll get out of here," assured Tej. 

Advika opened her mouth to say something.

"I'm still mad," he said and lifted the black bag Ray had kept on the floor. "Here's all you got," he glanced at Advika. "Might help us get out."

"You broke the glass, didn't you?" said Maya. Ray pursed his lips and nodded his head in a yes.

Advika hesitated, her hand frozen mid-air, as she contemplated unzipping the bag. Her eyes met Rutuja's, and a wave of guilt washed over her. They had taken the books and accessories from the temple, and Rutuja was one of the guardians. Opening the bag in front of her would reveal their misdeeds. Advika turned to Maya and Zarna, silently seeking their guidance, her eyes filled with questions.


A figure darted toward Daksh, embracing him tightly. "Daksh," she whispered, her voice filled with relief. Rishi's gaze intensified as he observed her closely, suspicion creeping into his mind.

"Are you alright, Rutuja?" Daksh inquired, returning her hug. Rutuja, still trembling, managed to nod between her sobs.

"We need to find a way out," she said, lifting her head to meet Daksh's eyes. Determination gleamed in her gaze. Daksh glanced at Rishi, who shook his head and started to speak, but Rutuja interjected.

"No, I don't think it's safe. Let's try that door," she pointed to a bright blue door at the far end of the passage. Rishi attempted to voice his concerns, but Daksh interrupted him.

"Alright," Daksh responded, grasping Rutuja's hand. They began moving toward the blue door, leaving Rishi standing there, perplexed by their sudden change in behavior. It felt as if the roles had been reversed—Daksh, who had always been cautious, now seemed to disregard caution entirely. Rishi's mind raced with conflicting thoughts as he watched his friends head toward the blue door.

"Daksh!" Rishi cried out, his voice filled with urgency, and he sprinted after them.

The blue door swung open, revealing a sinister sight. A multitude of pale white hands emerged from within, swiftly seizing hold of Daksh and yanking him inside. The door promptly slammed shut, trapping him within its ominous confines. Rutuja, with a malicious smile adorning her face, conjured a pulsating ball of blue sparks in her hand and hurled it towards Rishi. Reacting swiftly, he managed to evade the attack, narrowly avoiding its impact. However, Rutuja persisted, launching another sphere of crackling blue energy that struck Rishi squarely in the chest. He crumpled to the ground, rendered immobile and unconscious by the powerful blast. Unfazed by her actions, Rutuja calmly pushed open the blue door and sauntered inside, leaving behind a chilling aura of treachery and deceit.


Until next time...

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