The Beach

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"The book was here," Rishi affirmed, his hand resting on the ground. 

Rutuja, donning her sunglasses, queried, "How can you be sure?"

Rishi responded with confidence, "I can sense its energy." 

Rutuja knelt, her fingers brushed the earth and tried to connect with the same energy, but it eluded her grasp. Returning to her feet, she brushed off her blue jeans and regarded Rishi with curiosity. "How can you sense the book's energy?"

Rishi explained, "I've delved into physics and the study of energies, and I possess certain abilities." 

Rutuja regarded him with a hint of scepticism as she listened.

"So, where do you think the book is now?" she probed. 

Rishi admitted, "I'm not entirely sure. It's as if, at times, it doesn't want us to find it."

"Why would it choose to evade those meant to protect and preserve it?" Rutuja pondered.

"That's precisely the mystery," Rishi acknowledged.

"Let's go back then," suggested Rutuja and turned towards the car. 

"No, wait," said Rishi. "Let's search. Maybe we'll get something here."


Ray let out a bewildered gasp as the car touched down on the sandy terrain. The strong gusts of wind outside cleared the sand from the windows, revealing an expansive beach in front of them.

"This can't be real," he muttered, staring at the breathtaking scenery before him. 

The beach stretched out before them, a pristine expanse of golden sand blending seamlessly with the azure waters of the sea. Not a soul in sight, just the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore. The sky above was a clear, brilliant blue, not a single cloud in sight, allowing the sun to cast its warm rays down upon the beach.

Advika emerged from the car and took a few steps towards the shore, feeling the warm sand beneath her toes. The others soon followed, and Tej locked the car before tucking the keys into his pocket.

The air was fresh and clean, carrying with it the faint scent of salt from the sea. Seagulls soared overhead, their cries mingling with the sound of the waves. 

"How did we get here?" Zarna pondered, squinting at the horizon.

"And more importantly, how do we get back?" Maya added.

The gentle sea breeze picked up, tousling their hair in all directions.

"Maybe this happened because somebody was following us," said Zarna and wore her hat. 

"Or else," said Maya. "The book knew somebody was coming, so the forest didn't appear."

"Right," said Advika. "But where is the book?"

"It has to be somewhere here," said Tej. "Without the book, there can't be a forest or beach or... whatever."

"I haven't been to a beach in a long time," said Zarna and strolled towards the shore. 

"We're supposed to find the book, dear," said Maya and put her hand in the air when Zarna swiveled and smiled apologetically.

Advika closed her eyes and took in the fresh air, listening with both an open heart and ear, the waves crashing against a nearby rock.

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