Ray and Tej

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Ray closed the door behind him and turned to Tej with a broad smile.

Tej, looking somewhat bewildered, inquired, "What's got you all grinning?" He crossed his arms and eyed his friend, tilting his head inquisitively.

Ray chuckled and enveloped Tej in a spontaneous hug. "Dude," he began, "We're more than just friends. We go way back, and you, you're..."

Tej gently pushed him back, creating some distance. "Ray, please get to the point. We're running late, and the girls are waiting," he urged, his patience wearing thin.

"Are we talking about the girls in general, or are we fixated on Advika?" Ray quizzically asked, his arms still crossed.

"What are you getting at?" Tej inquired, turning away for a moment.

"Look at me or don't, that's up to you," Ray stated firmly. "But you can't deny you were on the verge of calling Advika 'sweetheart.'"

"What?! That's absurd," Tej retorted, shaking his head in disbelief.

Ray maintained his stance. "We'll have this conversation later," he declared before heading downstairs, leaving Tej alone with his thoughts.

Tej approached the mirror positioned next to the bed. "I'm not fond of her," he muttered, studying his reflection in the glass.

Advika, as Ray made his way down the stairs, inquired, "Where's Tej?"

"He's on his way," Ray responded with a smile. "Is he okay?" Advika pressed.

"Absolutely," Ray replied, signaling for Zarna and Maya to join them.

The group proceeded toward the door. "You all wait by the car. I'll inform Mom that we're heading out... somewhere," Ray instructed.

Maya and Zarna strolled leisurely towards Ray's car parked outside his home. The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow over the neighborhood. The green grass in the garden swayed gently in the breeze, and the concrete driveway where the car was parked shimmered in the sunlight. Birds chirped happily in the background, adding to the peaceful atmosphere of the day.

"What happened, Tej?" asked Advika as Tej descended the stairs. 

"Nothing to worry about," he answered, avoiding eye contact. 

What's wrong with him? Advika thought.


Daksh entered a vast chamber, stretching 50 feet deep and 100 feet wide, with towering, vaulted ceilings overhead. The walls were adorned with rows of torches, their flickering flames casting a dim light that danced with the shadows. His attention was drawn to a large chandelier made of animal bones, gently swaying above him.

To his left, a long bar occupied a significant portion of the room, appearing to be about halfway stocked.

A chill ran down his spine as his Master appeared before him, whom he greeted with a bow.

"The... book... is with... them," stammered Daksh as he stood before Azazel.

Azazel's long black robes swept the floor as he walked towards Daksh.

They stood in the dungeons, Azazel's hiding place where he lived with his men and some werewolves.

"You are telling me that you let them go," said Azazel in a low voice. "You let the reversal spell happen. You let them do it."

"I've seen their faces," said Daksh; his throat went dry.

Azazel leaned towards Daksh; Daksh could feel his hot breath on his face. He shut his eyes, his heart hammering against his chest. 


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