All Secrets Revealed

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Advika's eyes snapped open, and she jolted into an upright position, gasping for breath. Her hand brushed against a rigid surface, unfamiliar and uncharacteristic of the forest floor she knew. The atmosphere enveloping her was chilly and obscured by darkness. With hopeful anticipation, she scanned her surroundings, seeking the presence of her companions. To her dismay, what lay ahead was an obscure, desolate road, its uneven path illuminated by a scarce few archaic lampposts.

Where the hell am I? Grantha, where are you? She thought and got to her feet, dusting her clothes.

A procession of mounted figures emerged, steadily approaching her. Clad in crimson and ebony attire, their tunics and robes seemed out of sync with the present era, invoking a sense of antiquity in Advika's mind.

Am I in the past? Or someone's past?

The contingent of individuals, resembling soldiers, marched directly past her, effortlessly phasing through her ethereal form as if she were an imperceptible spirit.

Grantha, is this the Prince's past? Are you trying to tell me his story?

She took a step forward in the direction of the running horses. I cannot run after them. Maybe I should see where they are coming from.

She made a quick run towards the uneven road ahead. She peeped in the windows of the small huts lined up on the other side of the road.

"Is that... Daksh?" she whispered, her words trailing off as she came to a sudden halt. Fixated on the hut he occupied, she advanced resolutely towards its entrance. Gathering her resolve, she drew in a deep breath and phased through the solid walls, seamlessly entering the interior of the hut.

"Daksh? Daksh?" she said. "Can you see me? Can you hear me?"

A lump formed in her throat as her gaze landed upon the lifeless body of a woman sprawled on the floor. Shocked and overcome with emotion, she instinctively covered her mouth, retreating a few steps until she stumbled into a nearby cot. Collapsing onto the cot, her balance faltered, and tears welled up in her eyes. Through the haze of her tears, she witnessed Daksh's mournful figure, his head bowed at the foot of the deceased woman.

Startled by the sudden intrusion, her attention snapped towards the opening door. To her astonishment, a familiar face walked in, interrupting the solemn scene before them.


"Advika! Advika!" said Rishi and took her close to his chest in an attempt to heal her and bring her back to consciousness. "I have a few healing powers, and I can tell-"

"Tell what?" asked Maya and rubbed Advika's palms.

Rishi swivelled to look at the familiar faces joining them in the forest.

"Advika!" cried Tej and rushed towards her. Ray followed.

"Master Indra," murmured Rishi and smiled at Rutuja. His eyes searching for Daksh. Rutuja ran towards them and sat beside Rishi. Tej took Advika in his arms and hugged her.

"What happened to her?" 

"Where is Daksh?" 

"Why isn't the Prince here yet?"

They showered each other with questions, all perplexed.

Indra glanced at Zarna, who sat on the white rock, clutching the book to her chest. "That is not Grantha," said Rishi.

"We drew a protection circle and put some energies in that book and the rock so that the Prince believes that it is Grantha," he continued. "If Zarna gets down, and comes here, it will disperse the energies."

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