Adventure or Danger?

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Advika sprinted towards the gate as a sleek black Audi pulled up outside her building. She hastily climbed into the car, catching her breath.

"What's in the bag?" Zarna inquired, twisting around in her seat to catch a glimpse of the black bag that Advika had pushed aside. It appeared to be a school bag stuffed with notebooks. "Books and other essentials we might need," Advika replied.

Maya adjusted the rearview mirror and stole a quick glance at Advika. "What's with the glasses?" she asked.

"Nothing," Advika replied, sliding on her cat-eye spectacles. "So, where are we heading first?"

Maya and Zarna exchanged a knowing look. "Adu," Zarna began cautiously, "you might not agree with this, but we're going back to the same hut we visited before-"

"Are you both out of your minds?" Advika interjected, her voice filled with disbelief. "Do you not remember the havoc it caused?"

"We're not going unarmed, silly girl," said Maya and motioned Zarna to pick the small pouch lying beside her seat. "This has things that will keep us safe."

"Why are we even going there?" asked Advika and examined the pouch. It has bands, some powder enclosed in tiny containers, and small glass vials filled with some liquid. "Reminds me of chemistry," commented Advika.

"One of the women in those portraits has something to do with Grantha," began Maya. "Yes," said Advika. "Her photo in that book we saw in the library."

"Why didn't you try and steal it then?" asked Zarna and looked out at the bright blue sky. "It wasn't possible with that Rutuja being there," replied Advika. "So? We go there and try finding more clues?"

"Yes," said Maya as she took a right turn that led them to a rugged, uneven road. "More than clue-"

Advika looked at Maya and raised her brows. "Don't tell me," she said. Zarna gave them a 'what are you talking about' look.

"She expects to see the spirit of the women there," clarified Advika. Zarna opened her mouth to say something but then remained silent.

"Look," she said as they approached a barren land. There was no one in plain sight. "I'm trained. I know how to handle spirits. Like, if she comes there, or we call-"

"Call?" Advika almost screamed? "Maya, if she comes there, we'll protect ourselves, but there's no calling thing."

"Okay, okay," said Maya and hit the brakes. 

The hut stood in its usual eerie state, with a crumbling facade, rusty edges, and patches of moss. The sun cast its warm glow overhead, illuminating the surroundings. Outside the small garden, daisies danced in the breeze. "It feels different this time," remarked Advika, turning to her friends.

"Hey!" Zarna cheerfully answered the phone. Advika pressed her lips together, exchanging a concerned glance with Maya. Sensing the need for secrecy, Maya swiftly positioned herself in front of Zarna, silently urging her to keep things quiet. Zarna nodded in understanding.

"I'm good. I was just caught up in work. . . I know it's a weekend, but I'm here at the office with my teammates, covering up for the leaves." She raised her hands, indicating them to go ahead.

Advika and Maya strolled towards the hut, their gaze fixed on the door. Zarna looked around while still talking on the phone. She gave them a thumbs up. "All clear," she mouthed.

"Yes, sure, Ray," she said. "We could meet in the evening. I'll inform Maya and Advika, bye."

Maya pushed open the door as Zarna ran towards them. "They want to meet in the evening," she said. "Ya fine," said Maya as they stepped inside. 

The room was engulfed in darkness, the air heavy with a sense of foreboding. The girls swiftly adorned their masks and switched on the flashlights on their phones. "I'm sorry, but I have an important assignment to complete," Advika announced, regretfully acknowledging her inability to join them that day.

"No worries," Zarna responded, lifting her phone high above her head to illuminate the space around her. She focused her gaze on the cupboard she had previously been pulled into.

A collective gasp escaped the girls as the door creaked open, revealing yet another door, this one painted a deep shade of red. "Last time," Zarna stammered, instinctively retreating a step, "it was empty. Just darkness. Where did this door come from?"

"Girls," said Maya. "Lockets on." She produced three similar lockets from the small velvet bag and passed them.

"Wait," said Advika as she wore the locket around her neck. "Are we. . ."

"Yes," said Maya and kept her hand on the doorknob. "Follow me."


"These girls," said Tej as they drove past the coffee house. "I know," said Ray, his eyes glued to his phone's screen.

"Tell me what was the need?" he said as he drove at full speed, impatient to reach the destination.

"I'm mad too," said Ray. "Take the next left."


Maya forcefully swung the door open, causing a sudden rush of liquid to surge forth from an unidentified source. Reacting swiftly, the girls instinctively closed their eyes and raised their hands, protecting their faces from the deluge.

Advika tentatively sniffed her damp sleeves, feeling a liquid-like substance drenching her clothes. Her heart raced within her chest, yet she summoned her resolve and stepped forward, cautiously reaching out to locate the doorknob. Amidst the unsettling silence, a blood-curdling scream pierced the air, leaving the girls disoriented as they found themselves suddenly transported into a dim, murky, and chilling room.


"No way," said Ray as Tej hit the brakes. "I lost them."

"What do you mean?" said Tej and took Ray's phone in his hands. He zoomed in on the screen and the location. "We're almost there. They were just here, right?"

"Yes," replied Ray. "But-"

"Did she know about it by any chance?" asked Tej and looked at the barren land ahead. "No, if it was Advika she would have, but not Zarna."

Tej took a deep breath and pictured the girls. "I hope they are safe."


To be continued. . .

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