The Adventure Begins

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Ray shielded his dark brown eyes from the rain and asked, "Doesn't it look like the Khajuraho?" Zarna nodded in agreement, pursing her thin lips.

Advika, with her hair pulled back into a ponytail and wearing round spectacles, glanced at Maya, whose shoulder-length curly hair cascaded freely. "Maya, you might want to tie your hair," Advika suggested. Maya hastily grabbed the hair tie on her wrist, struggling to twist her hair into a bun.

Advika and Maya had both read numerous books on spirits and the occult, which had mentioned that spirits could easily possess women or anyone with their hair open. Maya didn't fully understand it, but she agreed to it anyway.

As Tej locked the car, they took a few cautious steps towards the temple. Ray flashed a bright smile and asked, "Any of you girls carrying a hairpin?" 

Maya replied, "Yes, but why?"

"We have to break into the temple and the library," said Tej firmly.

"I can't believe we're doing this," whispered Advika as she removed her phone from her jeans pocket.

They approached the temple carefully, looking around to ensure they weren't seen.

"Hairpin, please," Ray requested, extending his hand as they gathered in front of the massive temple doors. Maya handed over her hairpin, though she remained skeptical about Ray's ability to unlock the door with just an ordinary pin.

Ray expertly manipulated the hairpin, his movements swift and precise. With a soft click, the lock of the temple door disengaged, leaving Maya in awe of his skills. Zarna and Advika exchanged impressed looks, silently acknowledging Ray's talent. "Nice work," Advika whispered, a hint of surprise in her voice.

Tej led the way, pushing the heavy door open as they cautiously entered the temple, the door's loud creak breaking the silence of the night.

Inside, the air felt heavy with history and mystery. Advika could feel her heart pounding, and Zarna's grip on her arm tightened. "This place gives me chills," Zarna admitted. Advika nodded, feeling the same unease. As they ventured further into the temple, the shadows seemed to play tricks on them, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

They retrieved their cell phones and activated the flashlights, casting a beam of light that cut through the darkness, revealing the ancient stone steps leading up to the temple entrance. The stairs appeared weathered, with moss growing in patches, hinting at the temple's age and neglect.

Ray estimated the number of steps, his voice echoing softly in the silence. "Looks like around 80 steps," he observed, peering up the staircase.

Feeling a sense of urgency, Tej hastened towards the shelter of the entrance porch, his footsteps echoing as he moved. The others followed closely behind, their hearts pounding with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The sound of rain intensified as they sought refuge from the downpour within the temple's ancient walls.

As they entered the temple, they removed their footwear and overcoats, feeling the ancient chill seep into their bones. The porch greeted them with flickering diyas in the corners, casting dancing shadows that seemed to whisper secrets of the past.

"Let's take a look around," Maya suggested, stepping into the temple's main hall. They followed her, their footsteps echoing off the stone walls adorned with various types of rocks and slate, each telling a story of its own.

Zarna reached out to touch the rough surface of the walls, marveling at the craftsmanship. "This is incredible," she exclaimed, her voice filled with awe and wonder.

"Look at this," Maya called out, drawing their attention to something intriguing.

The symbols of the five elements - fire, water, earth, air, and sky - were intricately inscribed on the wall. The roof above them was supported by four gigantic pillars, adding to the grandeur of the temple.

"Does that mean something?" wondered Zarna, glancing at Advika who seemed lost in deep thoughts.

"Adu," Zarna said, shaking Advika gently. 

"Yes, I feel like it has to do something with the secrets of the elements or maybe this temple," Advika replied, her curiosity piqued. 

As they touched the symbols, they quickly pulled back, crying out in pain. "Ouch!" both Advika and Zarna exclaimed simultaneously.

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