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Tej took the lead, the rhythmic echo of his footsteps resonating along the deserted road. His friends, accompanied by Rutuja, who clutched the black book firmly, trailed behind him. As they neared a narrow path, a peculiar hush settled in the air, prompting Tej to pause. His eyes fixed on the unfolding spectacle ahead, a scene that held him transfixed.

The road stood as the gateway to Indra Nagri, a place steeped in ancient tales and forgotten histories. The small huts lined the street, each dwelling enveloped by ancient trees that bore the weight of time. These majestic guardians, adorned with enigmatic carvings in an unfamiliar script, stood tall and proud, whispering stories of days long gone.

A gentle breeze swept through the area, carrying with it the delicate fragrance of primroses, infusing the air with a soothing aura. Rutuja couldn't help but be swept away by the nostalgic memories flooding her mind, connecting her to a past she thought she had left behind.

The atmosphere seemed to hold its breath as if honouring the profound significance of this place. Tej felt a mix of excitement and trepidation, aware that they were stepping into a realm where secrets lay hidden, waiting to be unraveled. He took a deep breath, inhaling the mingling scents of nature and history, and prepared himself for the journey that lay ahead.

As their group stood on the threshold of Indra Nagri, they could sense the weight of its ancient legacy, the allure of its mysteries. The road stretched out before them, beckoning them forward, as they embraced the unknown, ready to unveil the secrets that awaited them in this enchanting realm.

"Let's go," said Rutuja and led the way.

"So, what after we reach their home?" asked Zarna, walking alongside Maya and the others.

"Advika said she will be here," said Tej and glanced at the letter he clutched.

"I've never really understood her plans," remarked Maya as they passed a few houses on their way to the destination.

"But here it goes," she continued. "We have the black book, which will help us destroy the souls of his followers. As for him, there must be some way to bring him here. To weaken him."

"By the way," hopped in Ray. "How will you recognize the house? I don't see nameplates. Have you been here before? Did you live here too?"

Rutuja sighed and closed her eyes for a brief moment. "I know their house," she replied.

I have never had a hard time being friends with anyone before, thought Ray and adjusted his headband.

Rutuja's steps faltered as they approached a humble abode, constructed with weathered bricks and crowned by a thatched roof. The air hung heavy with the scent of dust, mingling with the subtle fragrance of time. Her gaze fixed upon the worn-out door, its surface veiled in a thick layer of accumulated grime, revealing the passage of countless years.

The windows, once bright portals of light, now stood rusted and aged, whispering tales of bygone eras. Their frames, etched with the passage of time, portrayed a history woven with the threads of resilience and endurance. Each crack and crevice etched upon the dwelling's facade painted a picture of the stories it had silently witnessed.

Rutuja couldn't help but be moved by the tangible presence of history that lingered in every fiber of the house. It stood as a testament to the passage of time, embracing the scars and blemishes acquired along its journey. With each step closer, Rutuja felt a connection with the generations that had sought solace within these walls, their stories hidden within the layers of dust and age.

As she stood before the aged dwelling, Rutuja found herself humbled by the profound sense of time that emanated from its worn exterior. It carried with it the weight of forgotten memories, a silent witness to the ever-changing tides of life. In this humble abode, she glimpsed a glimpse into the lives once lived, their whispers echoing through the dust-laden door and the rusted windows, inviting her to unravel the tales that had settled within.

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