It's Practice Time

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It had been nearly a month since the five friends had come together and stumbled upon the mysterious book. Tej had discovered it in a dusty corner of the library, and he had immediately sensed the energy emanating from it. As a physics student with a keen interest in the workings of the universe, Tej couldn't resist the temptation to investigate further.

He had carefully chosen his companions for this unexpected journey. Ray, his best friend, was the first person he approached. Advika, the bookworm, was his second choice. Maya, with her expertise in paranormal studies, was a natural fit. And lastly, Zarna, the law student, completed the group. Together, they embarked on a journey that would change their lives forever, all sparked by the discovery of that mysterious book.


Tej, clothed in his favorite clothing ensemble of crisp blue jeans and a pristine white t-shirt, descended the stairs of his home to be greeted by his mother, who sported a beautiful blue saree attire with white stand-throat blouse embellishment.

"Off to work?" Tej inquired, idly twirling the keys he held in his hands with nonchalant flair.

"Yes, my son," his mother responded. "Where are you heading off to?" she inquired with a concerned yet soft tone.

"To the café," Tej said with a smile. "I'm meeting my friends."

His mother placed her hand on his shoulder, a concerned expression on her face. "Tej, it's great to socialize, but maybe you should consider coming to the office sometime," she said softly.

"Mom," Tej sighed. "I've already told you and dad that I have no interest in the family business."

"But you haven't even tried it yet," she said, looking into his eyes. Tej looked away, avoiding eye contact.

"I'm interested in Physics," he said earnestly. "I want to do something in that field. Business is not my cup of tea."

His mother sighed but nodded. "Well, who will look after the business then, Tej?" she asked with a hint of worry. "Anyway, do let us know if you ever change your mind. See you at dinner."

Tej hugged his mom tightly. "See you at dinner," he said, giving her a reassuring smile. 


Ray strolled to the front gate of his home when he caught wind of his name being called. He pivoted and couldn't help but inwardly grumble when he spotted his father, decked out in a formal Armani suit, advancing in his direction.

"Where are you headed?" his father inquired, his expression stern.

"To the café, to see my friends," Ray answered, tightening his grip on the keys in his hand.

"Ray," his father began, tucking his hands into his pant pockets. "Perhaps you should contemplate taking your career more seriously."

"Dad," Ray started, feeling the familiar tension rise. "I'm not yet clear on what I want-"

"Exactly my point, son," his father interrupted, placing his hands on Ray's shoulders. "Do some internships, explore your options. Just don't waste your time like that."

Ray took a deep breath, suppressing the urge to argue. He nodded quietly. "Yes," he said, his tone resigned. 


Tej hit the brakes as he spotted Advika crossing the road. He smiled at her as she got into the car. "Maya and Zarna?" she quizzed.

"They're coming with Ray after their window-shopping spree," Tej replied, taking a U-turn.

"Another shopping spree?" Advika remarked, securing her hair in a bun. "Yes, it's their favorite pastime," Tej replied with a chuckle, adjusting the rear-view mirror.

"Are you all set for the upcoming semester then?" Tej inquired as he navigated through traffic.

Advika shook her head. "Not really," she admitted. "I can't seem to stop thinking about this mission. Can you?"

"No," Tej replied, his attention fixed on the road ahead. "Life has taken a different turn ever since all of this began."

Advika's phone buzzed. "Where are you guys?" questioned the voice on the other end.

"We'll be there in about 20 minutes," Advika replied as they came to a halt at a red light. "Have you finished your shopping?"

"Yes, we bought tops, pants, accessories, shoes, and stuff," Zarna chirped. "We're heading to the forest. See you there."

"Okay," said Advika. "They just left. I assume they'll take longer to reach than us."

"Yes, considering the traffic," Tej agreed, revving the engine as the light turned green. 


                                                               In The Forest

Tej positioned himself within the heart of the forest, standing near a massive white rock. Maya and Ray settled cross-legged on the stone, while Zarna casually leaned against one of the trees. Advika sat on the ground with a book open on her lap.

"Close your eyes," she read aloud.

Tej complied, taking several deep breaths and clenching his fists.

"Take it easy, Tej," Advika said, her gaze fixed on the book.

"Now, feel the air surrounding you," she continued. Tej remained motionless, allowing the sensation of the air as it passed by to permeate his senses.

"Now, sense the energy, feel the warmth in your surroundings, become attuned to it."

Tej released all his thoughts and concentrated on his environment. He could perceive the air caressing his skin, the energy he held within, and the energy emanating from the surroundings.

"Pay close attention to your heartbeat. Let your mind and body be aware of the blood that flows within your veins and the energy associated with it. There flows an electric pulse in your veins. Feel it."

Ray glanced at his watch and then at the sky, noticing the impending thunder.

"Spread your arms and embrace the energy."

Tej's focus intensified as he sought to connect with the energy coursing within and around him. With deliberate intent, he directed his awareness to his palms, visualizing flames flickering to life. The energy responded to his command, gathering at his hands, warming his skin and causing a faint glow to emanate from his palms. Gradually, the glow intensified, hinting at the fire waiting to be unleashed by his will.

His friends watched him in awe. Ray pursed his lips and Maya held her breath, half-expecting him to conjure a ball of fire. 

Tej let out a sigh and fell to his knees, opening his eyes.

"Tej," Zarna exclaimed, rushing towards him. Advika followed, while Ray and Maya jumped down from the rock.

"Ouch!" Zarna exclaimed as she removed her hand from Tej's shoulder. 

"You're hot," Ray said, winking, as he felt the body temperature of his friend rise.

"My gosh, Tej, you're burning," Maya said. 

"Tej," Advika said urgently. "Calm down, guys, move aside." 

Everyone took a few steps back, except for Zarna. 


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