Chapter 11: Baba

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A/n Edit: I won't be following the manga because I don't want to spoil it :D
Is anyone excited for March 27?!
Thank you for waiting~❤️

You jumped out the balcony, rolling to cushion your fall.

"Hey!!" The men in black suits jumped after you.


"Jump on!"

You grabbed Lan and jumped, not sparing a moment to take control of him. Lan flew into the sky, leaving the black men to watch you.

"Call him!! Tell him she got away!!"

"What's going on? Who are you?" Aizawa stood before them, preparing to battle.

"We're the men working for (L/n), we need to find (Y/n), the heiress to take her to her grandfather. She has an appointment with him today."

"How did you get in here?" He asked cautiously, just in case they were dangerous.

"Let me call (L/n)." The main one took out his phone, Aizawa's stance not faltering one bit.

He put it on speaker, "Aizawa, don't worry, we're only looking for (L/n)."

"What about Nezu? Did he grant you permission to be here?"

"Fear not, Aizawa! It's okay, I've granted them permission!" Nezu popped out from behind the men in black suits.

Aizawa sighed, letting go of his stance. "Why didn't you warn me sooner?"

"It was unexpected, we didn't think (Y/n) would run away like that! Speaking of which, where did she go?" Nezu said in his still upbeat attitude.

"She left on her dragon." They responded.

"Might as well tell pro-heroes to keep a lookout for her. Hey Aizawa, don't you think this would be good practice for your students?" Nezu asked the black-haired male.

"What are you suggesting?" Responded the said male.

"Well, they could go look for her like chasing after a suspect!!" He responded, smiling.

"Fine but you're taking responsibility, Nezu. If something happens to one of them, it's not my fault." Aizawa turned, hands in his pockets.

He walked towards the dorms to announce the assignment. He felt annoyed by you but put up with it because if he did anything, he'll get his license away.

The wind blew past your face as Lan flew through the sky. Lan flew over the lake and landed, floating on the water.

"Phew, thought I would have to handle that. Now we just wait until tomorrow where baba doesn't have time."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Lan asked. "I'm worried since you might die."

"Shut up Lan, I'm fine. I survived so many things you could never."

"(Y/n), you died, like, two years ago."

"Your point?"

"You stopped breathing, you died. Went to the heavens!"

"Well guess who brought me back to life?!" You sent Lan a look.

"We only saved you because we would die too." He snapped back.

"I see how much you love me." You rolled your eyes sarcastically.

"Without us, you're powerless--"

He was bitch slapped by you. "Shut up, without you, I could kill at most twenty people."

He only sighed, shaking his head. "Children are stupid."

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