Chapter 27: Concurso

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A/n: Thank you for waiting~❤️

You held Yuu's hand as the steady beeping calmed you. Your grandfather set a hand on your shoulder.

"That's enough. We have to go or you'll be late for the competition."


You stood and slowly slid the door shut, afraid to let Yuu get out of your view. You hardened your gaze and walked in front of your grandfather.

You slid inside the limo, grabbing apple juice to calm your nerves. Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto will be there, but so will many other people you don't know. But they don't know you.

You got out of your limo, heels clicking against the ground. You entered the building, going behind the stage and listening to the director's instructions. You ignored him and went right ahead.

You came into view of the crowd, ignoring them as you made your way onto the stage. Your jacket hung around your shoulders, fluttering with every movement you made.

You grabbed the microphone, waiting for everyone to settle down. Your hands were shaking and only the people you know knew that about you.

"Welcome to this year's competition." Your voice rang out clear and bold. "I've been waiting to see who will be the one guarding me."

You put a finger onto your chin.

"Or the one who's guarded. Today you have all come to gather because three of you will be my guards "

You held up three fingers.

"Indeed, three lucky people, three musketeers." You pointed at the crowd, making eye contact with Katsuki. "I wonder who'll make it."



"It's fair, according to the rules." You smirked as you watched most people die inside. "You have to study about me or else you won't be able to serve me."

You taunted as the first group sat in front of you.

"Now then, what's my favorite animal?"


"You lose, hesitation doesn't exist."

They slumped their shoulders and left. Eventually, it came to the trio.

"Now then, this looks promising." You folded your hands together, smirking. "What's my favorite dish-"

"(F/f)." Izuku immediately answered.

"Wow. We got ourselves a fast one. What's my hobby-"

"Drawing and riding on your dragons," Izuku answered again.

You raised an eyebrow. "How about the other two? What's my favorite weather?"

"Cloudy, rainy. You prefer it cold." Shoto responded.

"Hm..." You thought to yourself for a moment. "What's my full name?"

"(Y/n) (Maiden/n) (M/n) (L/n)." Katsuki responded.

"Wow, you all passed." You winked at them. "Go ahead, first people who won."

The next group of people startled you.

"What's my-"

"Your dragon's names are Lan and Ai." The male in front of you spoke. (Let's call him Kai)

You raised both eyebrows, now interested. "What's my favorite-"

"Your favorite number is 69." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) sorry, I'll stop.

Golden •Hispanic/Latina!Fem!Reader x Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto•✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora