44: Extra: Shoto

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A/n: Thank you for waiting~❤️
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"Why'd you bring us here?" Shoto asked you, right in front of Touya.

"Let's talk." You replied as your children hid behind you and Shoto. "I know you're a Todoroki."

Touya laughed, glancing at the children. "So, those are my nieces and nephews?"

"They're not." Shoto sneered.

"Shoto," you softly said, putting a hand on his hand. "Calm down."

"Fine." He squeezed your hand.

"Yes, they're related to you. I just wanted to show you, get a chance to see them."

Five heads popped out from behind you and Shoto.

"You guys were busy." Touya teased, observing the three faces. One looked exactly like Fuyumi and the others looked like Shoto and you. "I don't care if you brought them, they have no use to me."

"Let's go." Shoto stood, grabbing two hands and carried one.

"Touya." You said as they were leaving. "I know what happened because I saw it. The past couldn't be changed. I don't pity you, just know that all people go through things they can't control."

"Shut ya crap with the wise talk. I don't care. I lost everything and I don't feel anything."

"Funny thing is we're the same, just that I was lucky enough to have people to rely on. All villains are not born evil, they are born from unfairness of society."

"Shut up." He hung his head, scowling at the ground. "I've gone insane so if you don't leave, I'll go on a rampage."

"Sorry." You got on your knees, pressing your hands onto the ground and bowing. "For our society. See you later."

Touya watched you leave. He was heartless, but not as heartless as everyone thought. He'd like to see how you would change society, so no more villains are made.


You sighed and flopped on the sofa. You were tired after taking care of your children. It was evening, the lights on the streets beginning to glow.

Shoto wrapped his arms around you from behind, kissing the back of your neck. "Let's go to sleep, okay?"

"Mm." You replied but didn't get up. "I'm so tired..."

You closed your eyes and leaned back, your breathing slowing and going into a sleeping pattern. Shoto went around the expensive sofa and picked you up, hands tucked under your knees and shoulders.

He went up the steps, refusing help from a butler. He arrived at large double doors and nudged it open. He climbed onto the king-sized bed and set you down.

He gently closed the door so you wouldn't wake up before heading to his desk and turning on the lamp. He grabbed his glasses and slid them on, his slender fingers reaching for a pen.

Then he set to work for hours. You were awoken by a yawn that sounded like Shoto. You stood and padded over and then slumped onto his back.

"Shoto, leave it alone. Go to sleep."

"I can't. I won't have time tomorrow." He yawned once again before resting his cheek against the desk.

"Come on, let's go." You pulled his hand but he refused to get up.

"Let me work a bit more." He said, slumping in his seat.

Your eyes flashed golden and before he knew it, he was in bed. You laid beside him, covering him with a blanket and cuddling up to him.

"See? It feels better with you here." You whispered in a raspy voice. "Just stay, I'll take care of your paperwork."


"No buts." You covered his mouth with your finger. "Now come here and let me love you."

Shoto's nose were just above your collarbone, his chin resting on your chest. His arms wrapped around your waist, his legs tangled with yours.

Your fingers gently stroked his hair, making him drift off to sleep. He couldn't resist it, your scent and touch made him sleepy. Your eyes were glowing goldenly as the pen on his desk moved to your command.

You finished it thanks to speeding up your movements but not time itself. You finished pretty quickly and went back to cuddling with Shoto.


Maybe it was six months later that Shoto finally had another break. Or was it nine? Thankfully, that day, the children had school.

It was a time to rest and take a break. Your own way.


You gasped as his dick reached even deeper, touching parts that made you arch your back. Shoto's hands were on your waist as you bounced on his dick.

"M-mm, (Y/n)..." He moaned out, closing his eyes and throwing his head back.

"Does it feel good?"

"It feels really good." He gasped, his grip tightening. "W-wait, if you keep going, I'm not gonna be able to-"

"Quiet down." You spend up, making Shoto let out a shaky moan.


"Shh." You covered his mouth with your hand.

He enjoyed it, the only reason why he didn't take off your hand. His breath was heavy as he breathed through his nose. You felt vibrations on your hand and soon you felt his seed warm up your insides.

You let out a shaky sigh, removing your hand.

"You haven't come yet." He gasped out.

"It's fine," you slid out, sitting on his abdomen. "It'll just go away."

Shoto wasn't satisfied with that answer and sat up, laying you down on the bed.

"I'll make you come." His raspy voice reached your vagina.

"Are you sure?"

"Mm, it's unfair." His tongue reached deep inside you, bringing out what you weren't able to do.

Golden •Hispanic/Latina!Fem!Reader x Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto•✓Where stories live. Discover now