~Happy Ending~43: Peppermint

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A/n: Thank you for waiting~❤️
^From the anime. Season five, don't remember the episode. Artwork changed a lot, especially in the manga.(no spoilers here)

You were racing around the hallways of U.A., teachers chasing after you. You laughed and went even faster, swiveling around the corner. You immediately stopped when you came face to face with Shoto.

You nervously laughed as Shoto tapped his foot.

"What did I tell you about wheeling around?"

"Not to." You pouted. You've been hit by a quirk that made your mindset turn to a kid's.

"Then let's go back to the infirmary."

"But I want to play." You crossed your arms as he got behind you to wheel you to the infirmary.

"Later. Recovery Girl has to check you."


"Thank you, Todoroki." Midnight smiled, whacking her whip.

You sighed, slumping in your seat. Recovery Girl laughed and stroked your hair.

"It'll be quick, just be patient."

You played with your hands while you waited for Recovery Girl to do her check-up. After her check-up, which was thirty minutes later.

"You're all fine, there are no signs of you becoming a child. It's just your mindset."

"Can I go now? I wanna go play with Shoto." You whined, getting frustrated.

"You may go now. No more wheeling around the corridors!"

"Okay!" You wheeled out of there and went as fast as you could. "SHOOOTOOOOO!!"

You called out as loud as you could. You went down the corridors, knowing that you'd eventually find him.

"Watch out!" You shouted as you crashed into a student.

You skidded to the floor, grunting when you hit the wall. You raised your upper body, giggling.

Sorry, I should have watched where I was going. Would you help me up?"

The male student helped you onto the wheelchair.

"Thank you! Have a nice day!" You waved and wheeled away.

The male student took out his phone and contacted a female student. They exchanged messages before agreeing on something. He started to laugh like he was plotting something.

You hummed as you continued to look for Shoto. You found him but before you could call out to him, you found him crashing into a girl.

"Ah, sorry!" She apologized, bowing. "Um..."

"It's fine." Shoto was about to walk around her but she grabbed his wrist.

"I have to say something to you." She said, a blush covering her face.

You, with the mindset of a child, raced forward. "SHOOOTOOO!!"

He looked back and softly smiled at you. "Did you get checked up?"

"Mhm! Can we play now?"

"Sorry, tell me later." Shoto pushed your wheelchair away as the girl stood there with a murderous look on her face.

She turned and grabbed her phone from her pocket. She texted the other, who was also plotting something.

You laughed as Shoto ran up and down the hallways. It was a day off but students had the option of coming to school to study. Not that many students were in the building.

Golden •Hispanic/Latina!Fem!Reader x Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto•✓Where stories live. Discover now