Chapter 29: Ceremonial

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A/n: Thank you for waiting~❤️💕
Anyway, I'm thinking of changing the cover page to something more intense. I burned myself today😢

"This was unexpected."

"Not really."

You and everyone else on the plane were now riding on your dragons.

"This usually happens. We're in the middle of the ocean, I guess."

"Hah?! What the fuck are we supposed to do?!"

"We'll simply go at the speed of light." You hugged your mother from behind. "Hold on tight, okay? Also, make sure your eyes and mouths are closed."

You closed your eyes before opening them, shining a white color. You were there in a flash, stopping right at an airport.

"We're here." You jumped off your dragons. "Careful, take your time getting off."

You helped your mother down before holding out a hand towards Katsuki.

"I don't need your fucking help!" He slapped your hand away, jumping down.

You grabbed his shoulders as he started to wobble on his feet. "Careful there."

Katsuki's face warmed up as he pushed you away. "Don't touch me!"

You laughed as you gave a hand to Shoto. He gladly took it, slightly leaning against you. You lent a hand to Hitoshi, who grinned at you.

"Your quirk is more powerful than I thought."

You nervously laughed as he landed beside you. Then the last one was Izuku. You awkwardly lent him a hand.

He grabbed it, jumping off your dragon. The pilots were the last ones. Your grandfather's privately hired bodyguards surrounded you and everyone else to arrive safely at the limo, where photographers and reporters were trying to get a glimpse at you.

An interview was the impossible, as impossible as reaching the stars. You entered the limo, grabbing some apple juice.

"Ai and Lan will have to rest a little. Going as fast as light takes a bit out of them." You explained to the three plus Hitoshi.

"That's so amazing! That's nearly impossible in some cases, you're so strong!" Izuku wrote down notes.

"It almost seems like you were born that way," Hitoshi commented as he closed his eyes.

"That'd be impossible." You replied, gaining the attention of the four. "I wasn't born strong. I was born the weakest out of all my siblings, and I worked my way up with blood, sweat, and tears."

You smiled at Hitoshi.

"If I made it, then you'll make it to."

"Could you tell us your training schedule?" Shoto asked with a determined gaze.

"T-todoroki-Kun, I don't think that's a good idea-"

You cut off Izuku, "Wake up at five a.m. in the morning every day. You start the days with pushups and then crunches. Take a five-minute break and then jog ten miles to the east and then ten miles back. May sound easy but it's not."

You hardened your gaze.

"Take a ten-minute break and then run as fast as you can twenty miles and back. Five-minute break and train with weights until three in the afternoon. Eat and take a three-minute break before going back to sprint five miles and back. More pushups, about more than a hundred. Boxing is important, it helps with battling. After that, martial arts class and then ballet to help with movement and flexibility. Go to sleep at eight p.m., you only have a few hours to rest your aching muscles."

Golden •Hispanic/Latina!Fem!Reader x Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto•✓Where stories live. Discover now