Chapter 17: Yuu

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A/n: I have two weeks of break so updates might be faster 😊
Thank you for waiting~❤️

"Higher!! Raise your leg higher!" You shouted.

Katsuki had done a perfect penché, showing off his muscular legs.

"Perfect, Kat!" You readjusted his arms. "There!"

Izuku had also made a perfect pose. You raised Eijiro's leg a little higher, smiling at him. He thanked you for your 'manliness.' Shoto had the most perfect pose you had ever seen, it was just so...perfect.

"Woah, well done, peppermint. Keep up the good work!"

You went around, trying to see what they could improve in. Then you went towards the center and sat on your knees.

"Good work everyone, before we leave, I'd like everyone to do a split!"

A few groaned while others didn't hesitate to be in that position.

"Wait, wait, wait, this is kinda unfair!" Denki said, make motions with his hands. "Why aren't you doing anything, (L/n)?! If it's so easy, why don't you do one?"

"Why should I do it? I'm your teacher right now!"

"Are you saying you can't do it?!" Denki retorted.

Honestly, everyone wanted to see you do splits. You sighed before moving one leg forward and one leg backward.

"There, happy?"

Denki tsked, "Not really, anyone can do that!"

You frowned before doing a handstand scorpion. "Now are you satisfied?"

Denki copied you, smirking. "No, I don't think so."

You moved without placing your legs on the ground, doing a Hummingbird pose. "There, satisfied?!"

Denki struggled but managed to get into the pose. You glared at him before easily moving a leg over your head and pressed your other one against your chest.

"There, satisfied?"

When Denki tried, he lost balance and fell. You smiled before getting on your feet without struggling.

"You're brave enough to challenge your teacher, I'll give you that. Kaminari Denki, I'd like for you to do ten pushups and then make ten laps around the room."

Denki sighed, getting on his hands and knees. You let them all off afterward, giving them each a piece of candy. You wiped the sweat from your neck with a towel and sighed.

Lately, you've been getting visions and dizzy. Sometimes you were paralyzed and sometimes you blacked out for a few seconds. Maybe you should see a doctor...?

You finished taking a shower and changed into fresh new clothes. You needed a little time to yourself so you laid in the middle of your room, trying to relax.

You took a deep breath, trying to find your inner peace. Before you knew it, you had fallen asleep. Izuku, who was looking for you, was worried because he could not find you anywhere.

"Has anyone seen (Y/n)?" Izuku asked, gaining the attention of his classmates. "I haven't seen her for the past hour."

"Maybe she's just in her room, she might need time to herself." Tsuyu accurately describes what you were doing.

"I'll go check on her," Izuku started towards the elevator, pushing the button of your floor.

The elevators dinged, then closed behind him. He knocked thrice on your door, listening for a response.

Golden •Hispanic/Latina!Fem!Reader x Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto•✓Where stories live. Discover now