(11) Suspicious Minds

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"Keep your close, but your enemies closer" — The Godfather Part II, 1974

Word count: 2326 

EDEN stood behind me with an unimpressed expression planted on her face

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EDEN stood behind me with an unimpressed expression planted on her face. Her arms were folded over her chest and her stance told me she was ready to chew my ear off. 

"I —," I started, stuttering pathetically. "I didn't mean to dig it up. It was an accident, I swear." 

She inched closer to me and snatched the box out of my hands. I didn't put up a fight, too dumbfounded to do anything. 

"You shouldn't have looked through it though. It's private," She snapped, holding the box close to her. 

I nodded my head, bowing my head in shame. "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry. I was..."

"Curious, nosy," She finished for me, pinching her lips together in aggravation. "I know." 

She didn't like me. That was obvious before this. And now, she probably hated me. How great. 

"I think I'm just going to go," I muttered, rising to my feet. I averted my eyes to the ground, opting to not make awkward eye contact with her. 

"That's a good idea," She claimed, snottily. 

I scurried away, back into the house. I was in a mad rush, failing to notice my surroundings. I rounded the corner and collided with a rock-hard body. 

Unlike before, when I crashed into somebody, I managed to keep my footing. Stumbling backward, I held onto the wall beside me for support. My green eyes drifted upwards, taking in the blue t-shirt that accentuated every muscle behind it and the sharp jaw. 

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