(17) I Thought It Was A Connection

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You can read all of Forgetting Arlo, ahead of Liberty, and many more stories. You will always be supporting me. To find out more, please click on this link: patreon.com/littletroublemaker_

Landon: "I'm sorry she never got her miracle."
Reverend Sullivan: "She did. It was you." 
— A Walk to Remember, 2002

Word count: 1581

Word count: 1581

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"WHAT can I do for you, Liberty?" He asked, staring at me expectantly. 

His attitude towards me was always so strange. Sometimes I wondered if he felt any sort of warmth or friendship towards me, maybe even romantic feelings. However, the next minute, he would act either cold or passive. I didn't know what to think when around him. 

I licked my lips and I swore his eyes drifted to my parted lips. 

Then again, perhaps it was my imagination. Alpha Gabriel was a very handsome man — and I'm fairly certain I feel some sort of attraction to him. 

Was I hallucinating? 

What I wanted to say was 'I'm here for you'. But that would complicate things further. Did I want to give him that message?

I was leaving soon. Trying to start something would only make leaving harder. No matter what, I couldn't stay here. Prince Aziel would eventually catch up with me. 

"I wanted to thank you," I go for the other obvious answer instead, fearing what would happen if I said the former. 

Alpha Gabriel tilted his head to the side, observing me with those intense eyes. He never missed anything. Subconsciously, I became frightened that he would be able to read my thoughts. Such a silly notion. 

Ever since I arrived here, I had been acting like a teenager who had a crush. I was far older than Alpha Gabriel yet he seemed to act more mature than me. 

"You don't need to thank me. They should treat you better," He stated, casually. He paused and then said, "You don't strike me as the type of person that lets people belittle you. Why haven't you said anything?"

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