(25) Truth Hurts

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 "Some people are worth melting for." Frozen, 2013

Word count: 2072

Word count: 2072

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I overheard Gabriel's conversation with Blade from the moment he admitted we were mates.

After that, I fled with the conversation still on my mind. Gabriel's attitude towards me was certainly different. Some could interpret it as him fighting his feelings for me.

Did he even have feelings for me? He had plenty of opportunities to tell me the truth. When he found out I knew, his reaction was not what I wanted. He looked like a deer caught in headlights.

I left the packhouse and ventured into the gardens. I was still shocked I had seen Michael after so long. It was surreal, seeing a man I once romantically liked fifty years ago. He had aged so much. He lived his life well.

Despite the painful pang in my heart, I was happy for him. He met his mate, fell in love, and built a family.

Was I doomed to live alone or with the awful Prince Aziel?

It was cold outside but that didn't deter me. I stalked along the path, barely noticing the other wolves. Who cared what they thought anymore?

My head felt dizzy from all of the imposing thoughts.

When Morpheus next visited, I would have to tell him what I had done. He was not going to be happy. In fact, he was going to be furious. As King, it was his duty to enforce the law about our existence.

I passed Eden's garden and stared at the flowers sadly.

Even though I didn't like Eden that much, that didn't mean I couldn't feel sympathy for her. I was lucky enough to still have my family.

I stayed there for a while, letting peace overcome me. And then I ate tea in the dining hall, noting Gabriel's absence. I returned to my room not long after and slipped into my bed. Tiredness washed over me quickly - today's events had been too intense.

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