(15) Rumor Has It

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You can read all of Forgetting Arlo, ahead of Liberty, and many more stories

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You can read all of Forgetting Arlo, ahead of Liberty, and many more stories. You will always be supporting me. To find out more, please click on this link: patreon.com/littletroublemaker_

"It's up to you how far you go. If you don't try, you'll never know." — The Sword In The Stone, 1963

Word count: 2444

Word count: 2444

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DAY: unknown

Weather: unsure

I'm not sure how much time has gone by. It feels like centuries but I know that's not true. It could be a year or ten. 

Diana is losing the will to keep fighting. Every day that goes by, she becomes frailer and sadder. 

They separated us from our cells a few days ago and that has seemed to break her. Her wolf can't live without physical contact and affection. 

Quentin hasn't visited in a while. Without his supplies, I fear we'll vanish. 

If I do perish in this cell, to the person who reads this, know that Diana and I were the first of our kind. We believe a Goddess of the Moon created us half-human, half-wolf. 

We hope that when Quentin becomes King of the Fae, he will reveal our secret to the world. They deserve to know who we are. 

- Torin. 

I placed the book down gently and released a long breath. I couldn't believe somebody had placed an actual diary entry from one of the original wolves in this book. How did they acquire this? 

Did Torin and Diana die in my home? 

It disgusted me to even think that. Surely my grandfather — Quentin — would have done something about this. My grandfather was a good man, he wouldn't let them suffer like that for so long without having a way to get them out. 

Slamming the book shut, I rubbed my eyes and examine the library. I spotted Carrie eyeing a bookshelf to my left. I wondered what she was looking for. 

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