The Big Day (Continues....)

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"Stop stop... please stop..." I screamed as I saw the board..

Oh my god I just missed my stop so I yelled but the bus didn't stop. I again seated and looked at my watch. It was 4:15pm only so I thought of going to my native because I don't think so next week we will get leave on Saturday. I got off at the railway station and booked my tickets for the 5:00pm train. I got into the train but I didn't inform my parents about my arrival as I wanted them to be surprised, so I text ram about my sudden plan because mostly we will go out on weekends. I'm so happy that I'm going to native. I'll see my parents. I'll probably go to my sister's home. Wait, I forgot to tell you all about my native village. It was in a valley of two mountains in Tamil Nadu, India. It was a peaceful place to live. It is a four hours journey from Bangalore city.

Actually I have a beautiful family. Coconut like father(hard from outside soft from inside) he is a salaried employee in Wictore Hardware Company, Even though his salary is less he never lets us face any financial problem, he always manages to afford what we wish. Then my mom, she is my best friend I ever have and she is a homemaker. And my sister 'sister less granny more' she is very lovable and traditional Muslim girl completely opposite of me then our house little prince my champ my bro less my caretaker more. My sister is married and her husband I mean my brother-in-law was a leather trader and they were blessed with one cute princess.

"Hot samosa hot & tasty samosa" "Madam do you want samosa hot hot samosa madam" this is by a vendor on the train which breaks my thoughts.

It was around 8:30pm I reached my home. The door was already open so I went inside and an awkward silence was there and I could see nobody. Suddenly someone wrapped around my leg and I looked down to see my cutie pie, my little princess. She wished me in his stammering tone and I knee down to her height and hugged her then my sister came and welcomed me I was so happy to see them after a long gap of one month but the happiness and the excitement is not in their faces(includes my Ammi Jan and Abba Jan). I can understand something is wrong there but don't know what. So I asked "what happen why are you all so silent" not pointing to anyone "ask to your younger brother what he has done" Abba Jan(dad) replied with anger and sadness I looked towards my brother who is sitting in the corner of the hall and he is full wet and face is very red in colour and eyes are out like he was crying from years. I became more worried on seeing him like this I just removed my hijab and went down to him and asked 'what happen champ' 'call more champ and deteriorate your little brother' my sister said but ignored her and looked towards my brother now direct into his eyes and took his face in between palms 'tell me dear, what you have done' he just hugged me tight and started telling more like blabbering ' I didn't did this intentionally, it just happened appi, I just loved her , I'm sorry please I'm sorry, I didn't did this intentionally'

WHAT!! Love .. loved whom what he has done oh my Allah. 'Ammi Jan (mom) what he is telling, what's going on here' my mom started sobbing hard and started narrating the story. 'Your brother loved a girl and today morning that girl's father came to our house and told that his daughter is pregnant and he..." started crying hardly before completing the story which was more like a nightmare to me. I was completely in shock. My bro, my champ who is more like my friend, has ended doing this even before his nikkah. At least he can think of me right I'm even older than him but I controlled everything and went inside my room. 

I removed my abaya(burqa) throw myself in bed and now my mind is completely blank how happy I came actually I forget that and I don't know how I'm going to handle this my ammi abbu and di's in law what they will think about our family 'oh my Allah please give me strength to face all this' okay let's talk with my brother I decided after freshened up I went out of room it was around 10.00pm, Neha(my niece) has slept in my sister's lap and mom is still sobbing and dad is sitting in sofa and staring blankly to the floor and brother is found nowhere. 

I went to the kitchen and saw rice in the cooker (little amount has been taken, maybe for Neha) then daal was there and some minced mutton curry was found. I heated the food, arranged everything in the dining hall and called everyone but no one responded as I'm talking to the wall and windows. I went my dad "Abba Jan I can understand what you are going through but why are you punishing yourself for his mistake please abba eat at least for me" he smiled looking at me and eyed my mom and pleaded through my eyes and she also came I went to di and asked "di I'll take Neha to my room let her sleep there and you have your dinner" she smiled at me and asked "you?" "of course I'll join I'm too hungry" then we all seated in the dining hall and ammi has served all and I took one extra plate and served rice, poured some daal and kept some minced meat "I already have served for you" ammi told "this is not for me" I told with a sad smile "1st you eat then go" my sister ordered then I kept the plate aside which I served and completed my plate very quickly as I know my brother is starving from morning. I excused myself from the dining hall and went to the terrace with food. 

I found my brother staring at his mobile and tears were forming in his eyes. I went close to him and he looked towards me and locked his mobile. I sat next to him and kept my hands on his shoulder in a consoling way (it's not like I'm not angry with him but I love him) and asked "who is that girl" , "Fareen" he replied. "Oh.. I remember , your physics tuition mate right?" "Yes" he replied, still staring at his mobile.. I snatched his mobile from his hand but still he was looking down. I kept the plate down and said "Please have your food. I know it's not easy for you to go through what you are already going through, you have eat the salt then you have drink the water, right?" he just hummed by shaking his head. I felt so pity for him as I know what he has done is not mistake but it's a sin as he is my litter brother I can't leave him like this, so I took the plate mixed daal with rice and took a spoon full of rice and offered him he denied by just turning to another side I ordered to open the mouth so he accept the bite but not looking at me he ate. As he was starving I made him complete his food. After his food gave him the glass of water, while drinking the water he started to cry very hardly I just let him cry and let go off his emotions so that he can feel better and he stopped after a while and started apologizing me for what he did but I controlled my angry because I too can't leave him as everyone is angry I just told "it's okay, it's your age but now you have to strong and should follow what Ammi and Abba is saying at least now" He told " I'm very guilty appi(sister), I can't see them I just wanna die.." I slapped him hard "yes go die go before that think about the girl who loved you and waiting for you there fighting with her own family, her own emotions just for you and you can't even imagine how she is feeling" I told and came down.

I went to the kitchen and saw everything is set so I washed the plate and came out.

In the hall I saw my brother-in-law talking something with my dad. I went there and wished him. He replied and asked "so Heena when you are going to resign your job" "WHAT!! Why I have to..". I asked What the hell why I have to resign my job I'm in complete shock.

"Heena we are planning for your nikkah before hyder's(my brother)" said my di(sister)

She told I just remains silent as I can't able to attar a word from my mouth as I'm completely in shock and sat near my dad's chair after a few seconds I asked him "Dad what I did why you are agreeing for this"

He replied "dear, I know you have big goals and don't want this now but your brother left no way for us to save my pride" by telling this his voice went very low so I held his hand tightly as I saw tears forming in his eyes which broke my heart but controlled my emotions because if I cry then everyone will breakdown.

"Do you have anyone in your heart that you wish to marry " my brother-in-law asked but I just looked at my dad's eye and he also looked at me "I don't have anything like that" I said which gave a smile to his face. Ammi came towards me and kissed on my forehead and said "I'm sorry my child I know it's not your mistake, but we can't do your little brother's nikkah before you. Because it will give our family a big shame and decrease your dad's honour in our society" tears formed in both of us eyes to hide that I hugged my mom (tringg.. notification in my mobile) I came out of mom's grip. I faked a smile and went to my di's room and took Neha with me and went to my bed.

I put her in bed and took my mobile to see the notification. After seeing that I burst out in tears.

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