Love needs no words.

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I took my phone and saw the caller Id, it showed the name 'Fouziya'.

My smile vanished by seeing the name and an unknown anger filled my eyes.

I attended the call. 

"Hello, Assalamualaikum Heena... Bhabi..." She said,

"Walaikum Assalam. Tell me fou... I mean sister." I replied in the same sarcastic way she spoke.

"How are you bhabi? I heard that you got hit..." She asked with a fake concern.

"Yes, I'm fine. Aadhil is here to take care of me. Don't worry sister." I said picking the right stone.

"Hoo ... Where is he now? Is he with you?" She said,

"No. He is offering his zuhr salah now only" I replied.

"Why this much late? He was perfect in salah timing." She asked with confusion.

"Because... I was sleeping in his lap and you already know how much he loves me..." I said blushing.

On hearing my reply she sighed in anger and I heard that.

"You know sister, I'm very lucky to have a husband like him," I said pouring some oil on her burning stomach.

"Yes, you are lucky but not him..." She said with a light laugh.

"What do you mean?" I asked her 

"I mean you are lucky to have him, but his fortune, he got a wife who can't accompany him even for a walk. Haha... What a love..." She taunted me.

But before I could answer anything, she continued, "hoo!! Wait!! Has he proposed to you? I mean the three words..."She paused for my reaction.

As I don't know what to tell her that he didn't propose to me till now but I know he loves me and I don't want him to say... But... What to answer her now...

"What Heena... I mean bhaabhi... I know you are not having any answer. Because he can't say that to anyone other than me..." She said getting on my nerves.

That's it. I am exasperated by her talks now. 

"Enough!! What do you know about us? He doesn't wanna tell me that he loves me. I know he loves me and he shows that to me in his actions, the way he cares tells me everything.

And for your kind information, we are not lovers who need these words to show love. WE ARE HUSBAND AND WIFE we don't have to say these words, we can understand each other's eyes, it's a feel SISTER... You can't understand." I said with an evil smile.


"Haaan..." I interrupted, "Still if you have doubts I can show... Live it yaar, poor little girl, still single how can understand the love of husband and wife 🤭🤭" I said with a fake emotion.


"Haan... Bhabi..." I interrupted again. 

In frustration, she cut the call.

I was smiling at my own behaviour.

Aadhil came in and blew dua on my forehead and kissed my bandage.

Really our love needs no words ... Action can show more than words... That's the beauty of Nikkah... 

"How do you feel now?" He asked looking into eyes.

I was lost in my thoughts. He snapped near my face and I jerked.

"Are you okay?" He worriedly asked.

"More than okay..." By saying this I hugged him.

"How are you feeling now?" he asked, breaking the hug.

"Much better in your arms..." I replied smiling.

"Hmmm... Now come have your lunch and take tablets and sleep." He said getting down from the bed.

"Hmmm... I don't want to eat Aadhil, I'm really tired. You eat. I'll lay here only." I said feeling nauseated. 

"Okay, I'll bring food here itself and feed you." He said creasing my hair.

"No, Aadhil I'm not feeling hungry," I said.

"But you have to eat, dear." He said and went out of our room.

Then, after 5 minutes. He came with a tray which had a food plate, a glass of water and some chocolates.

"Aadhil, I asked you to eat first, why come here with food? I don't wanna eat" I said to him 

"Hoii... This food is for me only. I just came to sit here and eat." He replied.

"Hoo ... Ok ok ... Eat," I said.

What a selfish soul, if I said I don't wanna eat, he would leave me to starve. Ya Allah what an unromantic husband you gave me.

"Yummm ... This chicken gravy is so delicious and this kabab...hmmm .... Crispy and juicy." He said Chewing the food 

I glared at him. 

"You know Heena, you missed it. I'm so sad for you." He licks his finger.

It made me tempted but I just licked my lips and gathered the courage to ask him for food.

As I tried to open my mouth he put the last piece in his mouth.

"Idiot, didn't even ask me for a bite. I haven't eaten since morning, you know. How curial you are. If I said no to food, you have to convince me. Idiot bilkul idiot..." I shouted at him.

He burst out in laughter earning my glare. "Hooo... My cute wifey, (he pulled my cheeks) I've already brought food for you." He said, showing me another plate of food.

He fed me the food. I ate completely by putting my hand in the gravy bowl to take chicken piece. "The gravy was really delicious," I said, licking my fingers.

He chuckled and I laughed. Then, he made me wash my hands and wiped my mouth.

He placed the tray down on the floor and took a tablet from the drawer.

I made a face looking at it but I know I have to take this.

"You can have this chocolate after your medicine." He said pouring water into the glass.

I nodded and took the tablet. He kissed my forehead and left the room.

Time skips,

Evening time, in the park.

I and Aadhil came for a walk. Aadhil first dined me for the walk as I'll be tired.

But I persisted to come with him.

We are having a great time together. We talked and shared many things. I shared all the experience of me working on the project.

I said every detail of the client so that it will be easy for Aadhil to tackle.

I have become tired now, because of my periods and the injection pain. I can't walk for long 😭.

I sat on a bench there and started messaging my friends. He finished his jogging, after a 10 minutes he came to me.

I put my head on his shoulder and continued chatting on my mobile.

"Who is Ram?" He asked, looking into my mobile.

"He is my best friend. Why?" I asked.

"No, I have seen his messages Many times in your notification bar, that's why." He said and I nodded.

"Can I ask you one thing?" He questioned.

"Hmmm... Ask" I replied typing in my mobile.

"Why didn't you tell me anything about him?" Aadhil asked Heena...

That's it for today, dear...

Sorry for being late...

Love u all...

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