Who is She...?

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I heard a thud from our room. I ran towards the door but before I opened it, Fouziya pushed me aside and ran in.

I saw Aadhil fall half-a-way down from the bed and the water glass was in pieces.

He whined in pain, as he rolled over his wounded hand. Fouziya tried to help him but before she could touch him, he pushed her and called me in his painful voice. 

I rushed to him and she moved aside. I took him in my embrace and put him carefully in the bed continuously apologizing to him. Tears are flowing from his eyes which are crushing my heart.

"Look Aunty, Aadhil fell because of your daughter-in-law's carelessness. And see how he is in torment." Fouziya stated angrily. 

I looked at her and my mother-in-law came to Aadhil's side and consoled him. "Why beta, you can call Heena or someone if you need anything, now see what happened." She asked with full of concern.

"What Aunty, how can he call us. He is too weak to make a loud sound. It's all your daughter-in-law's mistake. If she was there when he needed, then nothing would happen." She said annoyingly.

"It's..no..t.. her miss...ta..ke," Aadhil said, controlling his pain.

"You keep quiet Aadhil, Heena you go to the kitchen and prepare lunch for us. I'm here to take care of my son. From now on, no one needs to worry about him." My mother-in-law said in her high tone.

"But mom..." I hesitantly tried to explain my situation but she interrupted, "I said. You go to the kitchen." This time she gets irritated. 

I with teary eyes came out of the room leaving Aadhil in pain.

While coming out I saw Fouziya smirking.

I ignored it and came to the kitchen. Not to my surprise, Shakila aunty has prepared half of the lunch. I combined with her at work.

Time skips...

After lunch relatives went

In the living room:

My mother-in-law was sitting on the sofa and reciting Qur'an. I went in to listen to the recitation as Aadhil was sleeping. Hearing the Quran is the medication for me so I just sat down near my mother-in-law's leg.

After 15 minutes of melodious recitation, my mil stopped. She ran his palm on my head lovingly and blew that on me. I took my gaze and looked at her. She was in tears, I asked her "what happened, mom?"

"I'm sorry beta, I scolded you before." She said sadly.

"It's okay mom, it was my mistake only," I said.

"No beta, it was not your mistake, and I didn't scold you for that." She continued " I scolded you because Fouziya was shouting at you, I don't want anyone to say a word to my caring daughter-in-law. If I didn't send you out that time, she may have said two-three words more and I'll become mad at her." She explained.

I was shocked, actually surprised. I don't know that my mother-in-law is loving me this much.

Happy tears formed in my eyes, and she patted me. "Do you like me this much mom!! I'm unaware till now." I exclaimed.

"No, no. I like you more than her." My father-in-law came saying this. I got up and looked at him. "Sit, sit. Don't be this shocked." He said mockingly. 

I smiled. "We all love you, dear, don't feel alone and uncomfortable sharing a thing with us." My father-in-law said, creasing my head. "Dad, why are you telling me that?" I asked confoundedly. 

"I saw you talking on Aadhil's mobile near the window and tears were flowing from your eyes after that call. I was about to ask you, but your phone started to ring and you went out." He said.

"Dad, I was about to tell you that... But..." I hesitated as mom said not to get involved in office matters. 

"But... What? Say clearly Heena. Who was on the call?" He asked. 

"Dad, it was Mr Manickam," I said

"Hoo.. manager of Aadhil's company." He replied. I nodded.

"What did he say?" He asked panic covering his face happened from yesterday till now.

"So, have you talked with the client?" He questioned me and my mother-in-law was staring at me blankly.

"No. Dad, I didn't speak with him." 

"Why? Call him now itself and speak dear." He ordered.

"What the hell are you talking about? How can our girl talk with some unknown man? That too for business purposes." My mother-in-law shouted. 

"What's the problem there, look dear, this is our son's dream project. If we miss this client, means, he will get into depression. Please understand dear."

"But..." I interrupted her "Mom, dad. I don't think the client will agree even if I speak, so let's stop the discussion. I'm talking to anyone and about Aadhil insha'Allah we will take care of him." I said ending the conversation. My mother-in-law went out.

"But Heena at least we can try," Dad said worriedly.

" No dad, if the client has said any reasons to cancel means we can understand, but he is feeling Ominous. We can't do anything with that dad." I said confidently.

"Is Aadhil aware of the client's decision?" Dad asked.

"No dad, I don't dare to say it," I said, dropping my face.

"Okay, so don't tell anything to Aadhil and ask Manickam to do the same." He continued I'm seeing blankly "If he asks means to tell Manickam has spoken with the client and he needs Aadhil to be present to sign the bond. And in the meanwhile, we'll search for any other sponsor." He said it was like a plan.

I nodded in agreement.

"But, Heena, I need your help in this as I don't know anything about the project," Dad said, patting my shoulder.

I smiled and said "Yes, sure dad "

"Make sure your mother-in-law doesn't know about this." He said all smiling.

"She is very lovely dad, just she is a little narrow-minded or scared of society I think so dad," I stated frankly.

"No, she is not narrow-minded. She is just scared of her previous experience of sending girls out of the house for their dreams." He sounded like lost in some bad memories.

" I'm sorry dad, I'm not aware," I said. 

"Hmmm ..." He responded.

"Dad, can I ask you one thing," I asked him.

"Yes, dear." 

" Why didn't Aafiya come after my marriage till now? I didn't see Aadhil talking with her even on the phone call. See, now she hasn't come yet." I said.

"Have you talked about her to anyone before?" He asked 

"No Dad, why am I asking anything wrong?" I asked confoundedly.

"No dear, you have all the rights to know about our family." He smiled 

"Actually She..." Before he could say my mother-in-law called us. "Ji... Look here, who has come. Heena come fast." He sounded excited.

We went out to see... 

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