Farheen's baby shower function

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Avanthika said she had an infection in her uterus and she is under medication. The traveling made it worse for her and in two months, if it's not cured she had to undergo a surgery where her uterus will be removed.

I was shocked as hell to know about it. I know how important motherhood is for a girl and especially a bachelor having this kind of problem is unbelievable.

I just hugged her and said, "I'm here with you, I'll not let go through this phase alone and don't worry I'll take care of you and make you strong and healthy."

"But Heena I can't travel so long." She said sitting on the bed.
"I'll ask Aadhil to pick you up from the hospital daily." I said sitting beside her.

"No Heena, if I travel bleeding will start, and you know about Chennai's traffic right." She said with a sad smile.

"Hooo... Then, don't travel. Take leave from your work, please." I said.
"Heena... That's not possible dear. I can't leave without work. You know how much I love my work. It's very difficult to leave something we got with much difficulty and warriors." She said it made me remember my office days and the day when I resigned from my job. Tears formed automatically in my eyes
"Hmmm... I can feel that..."
I remained silent for some seconds, and I spoke, "Okay then, don't worry sissy, you will be alright. You go and stay healthy. I'll always be there for you. And about Aadhil I'll handle him. But you have to promise me one thing."

She raised his eyebrows asking what.
"That you will never hide anything from me and will take care of your health properly." I said.

"Promise, blessed to have a sister like you." She said smiling and wiping her tears.
We went out and I somehow convened Aadhil and his parents.

Avanthika left after bidding bye to us. Aadhil took all her luggage and dropped her to the hostel.

Days passed...

We are in a car, returning back from my parents home. Today we attended the baby shower function of my sister-in-law.

I was very tired. I put my head on Aadhil's shoulder. He smiled looking at me. He wrapped his hand around my shoulder to take me in his embrace.

After a long journey of 3.5 hours with lots of traffic we finally reached our home.

My mother-in-law and father-in-law had come by evening itself. But me and Aadhil stayed there, because we planned to stay there for two more days. But at evening 7 o'clock Aadhil got a call from the client that he wanted to meet him the next afternoon.

We started by 7:30 pm and reached home around 11.00 pm.

I jumped into the bed as soon as I entered our room.
"Heena, remove your jewels and change your dress." Aadhil said removing his kurti.

"Hmmm... In five minutes." I said and closed my eyes.

After it seemed like a minute, he touched my head calling my name softly.
"Hmmm... Aadhil let me sleep..." I whined.
He pulled me to sit, he himself removed all my jewels and removed the pin from dupatta.

As soon as he turned to keep my things on the side table I again fell into the bed.

He smiled and muttered,"Sleepyhead..."

Time skips to the next evening.

Aadhil came back from work.
He didn't seem in a good mood.
As soon as he came inside the house he directly went into our room and threw his bag on the couch.
I was tense because of his behavior.
I brought water for him.
As he came out of the washroom I gave him the glass of water.
He drank it and sat on the bed with his head bent on his hand.

I went near him and called, "Aadhil ..."
He hummed
"What happened today? Did something went wrong?" I asked as calmly as I could.

"Till now nothing went wrong but not right also." He said lifting his head from his hand and continued,
"I don't know what I'm going to do further."

"Aadhil, please don't run around the bushes please tell me what exactly happened?" I pleaded.

The words from his mouth made me stunt...

Hope you like this chapter and I heartily apologize for the late update.

I assure you that from this week I'll update regularly.

Love you all...❤️😘😘

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