I'm not scared! I just don't like it!!

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"Heena, get down from my lap, someone is knocking on the door," Aadhil said, taking me from his lap.

"Why should I get down? I'll not. I'm sitting on my husband's lap only." I said, hugging him tightly.

"Sometimes, you are unbelievable." He said removing my hands from his shoulder.

Again we heard a knock. So, I let him go.

He went and opened the door, but not completely so. I couldn't see who was standing there but I heard Avanthika's voice.

I remember now why she is here.

No... Aye, mere Allah!! Please save me.

I ran to the washroom as I didn't know what to do.

I was shaking in fear. Actually, I'm a bold and brave girl only, but this thing na I don't like.

I heard a knock on the door. "Heena, you okay? Come out soon." Aadhil said from that side.

"No, I'll not come out. I know Avanthika has come to inject me. Ask her to go, then only I'll come out." I said, whining.

"Heena, who said Avanthika has come here? Someone special is waiting for you here, come and see first." Aadhil said, coaxing me.

"I don't believe you Aadhil, you show me any proof. Like video call me." I said.

"Okay, but your phone is here only on the table." He said to make me realize.

"Hmmm... Give my mobile first from the corner of the door. I'll open it a little. But no cheating Aadhil." I said strictly.

He chuckled and said okay.

In a sec I heard a knock followed by Aadhil's voice "hmmm... Open it and get it."

I slightly opened the door and forwarded my hand a little out of the door.

Aadhil without giving me my mobile held my hand and with a full force he pulled me out. I started screaming "Aadhil you cheater, you idiot, leave me, No... Please no..." I, myself, don't know why I'm that much scared of this thing.

"Baby... Relax... I'm not gonna hurt you." She said coming towards me.

Aadhil dragged me to the bed and I was uncontrollably wriggling in his hold.

"Heyy... Shhh.." made me sit in bed.

"Aadhil... Please leave me..." I said continuously trashing my legs.

"Oii... It's enough now. Be quiet." Aadhil raised his voice and as always I became silent. Put my head down.

"Now quickly lay down." He ordered.

I was still sitting there silently crying.

"Heena... Look here... (I was still looking down) I'm here with you only. Nothing will happen." He continued, "Avanthika is really good at giving injections before you would feel she'll finish her work." He said coaxing me.

"Aadhil, I have seen you screaming while Avanthika gave you an injection, don't lie," I said between my crying.

"Heena, I'll be very gentle with you, because you are my best sister in the world right? Now be a brave girl." She said,

Aadhil took me in bridal style and made me sit on his lap.

"Aadhil ... Please... I don't want, please... It will hurt... Please ... Aadhil ... Aadhil ..." I was continuously begging.

"Heena, please stop crying. I can't see you like this. If you don't take the injection, then the infection will spread and I have to take you to the hospital, do you want that?" He asked very softly. I nodded no.

"Then, be a good girl." saying this he hugged me tightly. "Before you would feel, she will finish her work," he said and locked my legs in his so, I hugged him tightly burying my face in the crock of his neck.

Within seconds I felt someone pulling my pants and this was followed by a sting in my waist. I held him tightly and just bit my lips to control the pain.

The injection was not very painful, it was over soon.

I was about to take my head and sit properly but I felt a sharp pain again. This was really painful and unexpected. I cried heavily but didn't scream as I don't have that much energy.

"Aa..dhil... Aah..dhil... It's hurting." I said between my crying.

"It's done, baby... It's done... Very good..." He said creasing my hair and placing a lot of kisses continuously.

Avanthika was continuously encouraging me, but the pain was so much that I couldn't stop crying.

He took my head and held my face in his palm. "Look, that's it ma ... It's done, please don't cry..." He said but I started hitting him. "I'm sorry Heena, aah... Heena " he said with a fake cry.

But my cry has turned into a sniffle.

I weakly put my head on his chest and with the rhythm of his beats I slept.

I opened my eyes... I was amazed to see a beautiful face next to me, who is sitting there and looking at me with full of love and concern.

I was just lost in his eyes. He snapped, so I blinked my eyes and smiled, hiding my blushes.

He kissed my forehead. I realized that I was still in his lap.

"Are you mad Aadhil? your leg just got Healed and you are ..."

"Oii... Chill ... I'm all fit and fine to keep my wife in my lap for hours. You Don't worry" He interrupted me

"But also. ..

"Shhh... No but and all... Now, silently get up and make wazu we have offer zuhr namaz. We are getting late." He said again, interrupting me.

"Aadhil, I will not be able to offer namaz today," I said hesitatingly.

"Why? Hoo ...Are you that much-hurt baby?" He asked with a panic-filled face.

Aye, mere Allah... How can I tell him that I'm on my period...

'Heena, he is your husband, you can say... Come on.' my inner self motivated me.

"Aadhil... That... I'm... " I was really feeling shy to say this...

"Damn... Idiot... Can you tell me properly... What are you hiding..." He yelled now.

"Aadhil, Aadhil I'm fine ... I'm just on my periods, that's it." I said in one go and hid my face in the pillow.

He sighed in relief and said "Ufff ... Pagal (idiot) for that... I'm your husband, nothing there to feel shy about this, it's normal." By saying this he got down from the bed.

"Just take a rest now. I'll finish my prayer and come." He went out but after kissing my forehead.

I smiled thinking how blessed I'm to be his wife, Alhamdulillah.

'Thank you so much Allah for giving me a loving and caring soul as my better half...'

My phone rang and my smile vanished upon seeing the caller ID.

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