A day Alone in Home

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I opened my eyes and the room was dark. I saw the time on my mobile and it showed 9:30 AM. "What!! It's 9:30 and still, the sun hasn't risen"

I turned to look at the window; it was fully covered with a thick blanket that protected the sunlight from coming in. It made me think of my dad. "Oh my Allah!! Did he come here to see me in worry? "I just got out of my bed and opened the door to see no one. I went out to search but no one was there, not even my husband. I went upstairs to check on him in the study room but again it was empty.

I went inside my room to call him. I am a little scared now. I went near the bed and took my phone to call him and someone from behind touched my shoulder. I screamed aloud in fear. And jerk off from him.

It was my husband Aadhil. He stared " you stupid, idiot, don't you have sense, you know how much you scared me where you went nonsense?" I said nonstop by beating him. And he was laughing at me.

I sighed in frustration. He sat on the couch opposite me tired. "Is that you? Who did this?" I asked, pointing my thumb to my back at the blanket. "No. Why should I..? it's our neighbour, Mrs Sharma" he replied with sarcasm. I laughed at it and started to walk towards the washroom. As I passed him, he held my hand. I looked at him for his weird behaviour. "How are you feeling now?" he asked me. So, I smiled and said "Better". He let my hand free and I turned towards the washroom by saying "Bring some bread and chicken for breakfast". "Why are you straining yourself? Let me order something online," Aadhil said. But I denied it by saying I'm all fine. He nodded and went out.

Times Skip;

I made a quick breakfast which was my dad's favourite. He came and sat at the table. I opened the hot pack and placed it on the plate. "What is this?" he asked after seeing my innovative dish. "It is masala toast with chicken," I replied. "Yamm... It tastes so awesome, can I get more" he asked. "Yes. Sure" I said feeling proud and a little emotional as this was his first compliment for my cooking, that too the same words which dad used to tell me. I controlled my unnecessary feelings and finished my breakfast.

I cleaned the kitchen counter and came to the table for cleaning but Aadhil held my hand and made me sit in the chair. I raised my eyebrow like asking 'what?' He showed me the tablets "What?! I mean why? I don't need this. I'm all okay now" I said as I don't want those yucky tablets. He sighed and said "Look, still, your voice is not like before and also you have a cough still, so please take it Heena" he said strictly. "But I ... Aadhil..." I whined. He kept the tablets on the table and turned his face from me and said "then, your wish" in a very cold voice. I don't want his anger again so I swallowed the tablets. After that, I kept the glass on the table with a thud, so that he could turn and see.

He smiled seeing me, but now I turned my face and went to the kitchen by mumbling "Hitler husband".

He came following me, pushed me against the wall and asked "what did you just say". I said "Nothing". "Something you just told," he said, coming close to me. I'm breathing heavily now. As already my one hand is struggling in his hold and the other is poorly trying to push him from me. He continuously asked "Something?" and I'm "Nothing"

He "Something?"

I "Nothing"

He "Something?"

I "Noth..hing" ...

Each time a word come from his mouth, he came closer and closer.

Literally, my voice became low as he creased my lips with his thumb softly. I closed my eyes and held his shirt very tightly. Now I can feel his hot breaths. My heart was beating very fast. He blew the air to move the hair strands from my face.

Now I can feel his abs pressing me against the wall, but why is his beard in my neck? I opened my eyes to see, he was taking the glass next to me and moved backwards by giving me a naughty smile and said "So.. Is it really nothing?" and that's enough. I got really irritated and ran to my room.

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