The Next Day

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I felt a soft touch in my feet, I opened my eyes to see my dark room was filled with sunlight and I lifted my head and saw Neha was playing with my anklet which brought a smile to my face. "Good morning Neha baby" I wished her. She heard this and ran to me for a hug. I kissed her forehead and said "wait here I will go bath and come then we will play okay".

I went to my wardrobe and took one dress "you awake dear, I thought you will sleep more" my mom said "no ammi I woke up, going to bath" I replied "okay dear, come soon I have prepared your favourite breakfast" by saying this she took Neha from bed and went out and I too went bathroom.

After the breakfast I went to my room and cleaned my bed because it so messy after all cleaned up I sat on bed I found my phone which was going to die because of low battery I plug the charger which is near the door I saw my dad is standing near my door as he is about to knock it, I called " Come in Abba jan". He came forward and sat in my bed then I sat in front of him as he was facing the door and I'm facing him.

I held his hand and there was a silence for 2 minutes as I didn't know what to talk about. "Heena dear I need one help from you can you promise me that you will do it for me" I just looked into his eyes and held his hand tight and told "Abbu you can just say and I'll definitely do anything for you because what I'm today is only because of you"

"I want you to get married as soon as possible". By hearing this I lowered my gaze, He continued "You know why I'm telling this but in urgency you don't think we will marry you with anyone like that I already selected a groom for you my dear" I just looked him with full of shock, He didn't mind my reaction and continued "I want you to get married to my friend's son, he has his own business with a turnover of 2 to 3L per month, your brother-in-law also enquired about his character which also seems good" I interrupted him "is this has been planned from weeks?" "Yes, but planned for a year later but now because of your brother we are planning to do this in a month but if you don't like him it's fine we can see for someone el..." I interrupted "Abba jan if u like him and mom is also okay to marry me with him I don't have any questions, I believe in your decision and I'm okay for anything what you think is best for me."

"I'm proud of you my daughter" I heard this and turned back to look at my mom, who is standing with her tearful eyes behind me. I asked "When you came in?" she replied "when you answering your dad so maturely that time itself I came dear" and she gave a peck in my forehead and told looking towards my dad "You should feel proud that we have raised a child like her" My dad hugged me and after a few seconds I came out of her grip and I faked a smile to them and they both went out.

It was around 12PM I'm lying in bed with Neha. She slept while playing and I was just staring at the ceiling. BANG!!! The door opened and I knew who was there, It's my sister rushed in and said "Hey!! They are coming today itself by 3 PM you have get ready I sat up by seeing her panic but without any pause she continue "What dress you are going to wear (without giving any break or chance to speak me she itself answered for her own question) you wear that Red stones patiala dress.. no no.. that is not that much good on you let me see something better ." by saying this she moved towards the wardrobe I held her hand and asked "What happened?? Who is coming? Why you are creating this much fuss here?" with a bit of a shocking and cold tone. She touched my head and without answering my question she told me "Hey!! Your hair is so oily 1st take head bath then only you will look fresh in front of them" This time I fed up and asked in a little angry tone "Would you kindly tell me who are coming and why you are doing this and all" She smiled at me which added extra fuel to my anger, when I opened my mouth to yell at her My mom came in and gave a Green color beautiful chudi which has a white stone work. I was looking at her and like what's this she told "You have to wear this today I believe you beautiful in this" "I asked why mom who is coming?" in a confusing tone "your father's friend and his family to see you my dear" I was just like WHAT!! To SEE MEE!! Completely in shock but I didn't utter a word because I can't. Gullu(my mom's nickname) My dad's voice came from outside and she went out. In my mind I'm getting mad on my brother now it's all because of him only and just staring the dress "Don't get mad on your brother It's all fate" my sister told. I looked at her and thought how she know what was in my mind "How you know I'm mad" I asked "Idiot I'm your sister, don't you remember that" by telling she untie my braid and told "You don't think why this all happening to you only, just remember everything happens for a reason" I turn and looked at her and asked "I know di but this soon that's what I have problem" She again smiled and told "All girls tell this only when they are supposed to get marry but I know in your case it was completely a surprise to you" "NO It was a shock" I corrected She let out a laugh "It's ok baba shock but think like if it's not today tomorrow you have to face this right, so don't think too much and go to bath" by saying this she literally push me inside the bathroom with towel in my hand.

I came out after a 20 mints my sister was already taken the bangles, earings and necklace which match perfectly with my dress by seeing me came she asked "come here, I have selected all your jewels you just tell me you like this brooch or this one" by showing me two beautiful brooches I told "It looking same only di, better you select" She told "you are just impossible" I let out laugh there then I dried my hair and sat in dressing table, my sis came with lots of makeup products. I told "Don't put on much makeup, leave it like natural" "ok baba I'll do as you say" she replied a little annoyingly.

It was 2pm and I was all set to go. "Masha Allah, You are looking really pretty" my mom said by entering my room with a plate (lunch for me) in hand. I smiled and told "mom, I don't want to eat now I'll eat later" She stare me and told "we don't know when they will come how much time it will take so don't be in empty stomach till then" I opened my mouth to tell something but she put the spoon full rice in my mouth, I just stare and she smiled, "Was Hyder had his lunch?" I asked "aren't you angry with him beta" my mom asked in reply "No mom, I'm not" I smiled she tried to feed me another spoon I held her hand "Is He had lunch" I asked again She replied little annoyingly "Yes may be... Alina(my sister name) went to his room and I came to you" "hmm.." I replied.

It was 2.50pm I'm very tired waiting here for someone to come and see me with all dressed up pretty well. It was really weird to be like this. First I hate wearing heavy clothes and jewelry, second I hate waiting. I heard some noise outside like everyone is laughing and welcoming and greeting each other, I confirmed they came when my room's door is opened and Alina dhi came in and told in very low voice literally Whispered "They came" I just nodded because now my heart is racing very fast I had a same feeling like I will have before my exam. my sister done with some touch up and within 15 minutes my mom came in asked my dhi to bring me out and asked me to lower my gaze. Alina put the shall or dupatta in a way down to make it as a veil. My heart is pumping blood so fast that I can hear the heartbeat "Be calm dear I too can hear your heartbeat" my sister teased me I let out a small laugh there and she gave a side hug and we both moved towards the door and she opened the door I can't see anything rather than my own feet. They made me sit in a chair. I don't even know how many people are there and I'm sure only women here don't allow men to see their bride before marriage. Someone lifted my veil, I closed my eyes she lifted my face by placing her hand below my chin, "Really your daughter is looking very pretty" one woman told "let me see" another woman came now she started taking pictures of me but Aline stopped her by saying "please don't take any photo my dad don't like this" "yes, right my dear don't any pictures your dad will also get angry" the first lady told then they talked something like about me and Alina lied many things that I know this I know that and bla bla bla.. "Okay excuse me for a minute" An woman told and there is a silence for about 5 minutes "We want to keep this flowers in her head shall we?" someone asked "yah sure" my replied. Then they remove shall from my head and kept a lot of jasmine in my head. I felt literally crying here because in my culture keeping flowers in a girl's head by the groom's side is like an engagement.

Everyone went and we cleaned our house. First I changed my clothes and removed my makeup except the flowers they kept. Then we had our dinner and everyone slept.

I don't know what's happening in my life. It's happening so quickly I feel like screaming and running away from all these rituals and this baseless and heartless society. All these thoughts kept me sleepless so I was lying alone in bed.

I heard a sound from the entrance of my room. It was so dark that I couldn't see anything. I searched for my mobile phone and it showed the time 12.00 AM. I just turned the phone light towards the door and it was slowly closing by someone. I couldn't recognise the figure as it was completely black. Now the footsteps are slowly moving towards me..

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