His First kiss

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The Sunlight came from the window to disturb my sleep. I whined and searched for my mobile and it was 9:00 am "oh my god!!" how I can sleep like this oh god I miss my morning prayer and what my in-laws will think about me and where is my idiot hubby, why he also didn't wake me up and why the hell my head is aching like this with all thought I went to the washroom I cleaned myself and came out to see my hubby in his office attire and I become mad on him and yelled "why didn't hell you wake me up, what mom and dad will say and how can I prepare your bf in this less time you just can't..." he kept his finger in lips making me quite.

he: "usssshhh, how much you will talk, just listen now, mom & dad have gone to the hospital for their regular checkup with john uncle(my fil's best friend) and morning I tried to wake you up but you had a temperature that's why I let you sleep is this explanation is okay for you." he told without a break then he sighed.. I just smiled with his explanation and reaction then I said "wait for a few minutes I'll prepare you breakfast" but he pointed me to my bed where I found two sandwiches in a plate I just smiled and asked him "you know how to cook?" he replied "First time for you from youtube" then he left for the office by bidding bye.

I came to the kitchen and cleaned the mess he created and swept the house and went to bed and grabbed the uncooked bf and took a bite from it "hmm.. good, I smiled myself" and called to mother-in-law for enquiring about the health visit.

"Hello" with laughing sound from another side

I: "Hello mom, sorry that I slept"

She: "No issue my dear, I heard you have a fever. How was it now"

I: Little better mom, when you will return, he told that you stayed in john uncles home itself

She: Yes dear, I'll come in two days because I'm going to Aadhil's Maternal uncle (her brother) home.

I: Ok mom, but come quick, take your tablets on time don't allow dad to eat sweets and you too avoid oil and spicy food (mother-in-law is a bp patient and father-in-law has diabetes)

She: Ok dear, you too take care in case your fever increases mean just go to the hospital with Aadhil and take care of the house and yourself.

I: ok mom. With that call has ended.

I held my head with both my hands as it hurts a lot, at the same time I heard a knock in the front door I went and opened to see our maid(Shakila aunty)

She came in and enquired about my mil & fil and asked "why are you so dull new bride" a month went still she is calling me like this only. I replied "just headache aunty" then I went to my bedroom as she finished dishes, I asked her to put mop to the floor then I heard my phone ringing I saw the screen it was showing "Mine❤️" I just smiled and picked up

I : "Hello"

He: "hello darling, how is your fever now?"

I: "Little better but the headache is giving me a trouble."

He: "I have called to tell you that I have kept the paracetamol on the table near the lamp. Take that after your lunch"

I: "hmmm.." in a very dull voice

He: "Are you ok dear or shall I come home" in a very concerned tone

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