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I was relieved. Then I ate my lunch with my friends, Alina fed me. and Ammi told me to take a rest for sometime.

I slept for half an hour because I was tired.

Gulshad woke me up and asked me to get ready.

It's time for farewell, but I'm not ready to leave my parents and family and go to another home. I wished the time would be extended, I know it is impossible.

Then my sisters came in and did some touch-ups and now I was in a dark green chudi which is a little more comfortable for me than a lehenga.

My brother came inside, looked at me and smiled wistfully. I hugged him and Alina also hugged both of us. We three are in tears now.

One of my cousins came and said to Alina di, "Mom asked you to bring Heena di out". Then Hyder on left side and Alina di on my right wrapped their hand from each side of shoulder and brought me to the hall, where everyone was present like almost 100-150 people my groom was also waiting there in a formal dress (I can see as veil is netted)

They made me stand next to him, now my grandpa came and gave my hand in his hand by saying now I'm his responsibility and he have to take care of me and my needs with etc., by the time my heart became very heavy, and tears started to shed from my eyes, Then dad and mom came, My mom is already crying she didn't attar a single word and dad took our both and said to him "Dear, I'm giving you my treasure I know she is little naughty but, she is very innocent, if she did any mistake please forgive her and take care of her in all the possible way you can". with a heavy heart he is giving his daughter's hand in someone's hand and I can't control my tears and burst out crying. Then my sister and brother also came there and both of them hugged me and made me calm but I couldn't. And also how could I damn, I'm leaving home, my parents, my all belongings, my siblings, my friends and especially my lovely family.

I somehow controlled my emotions, then my cousins insisted on Aadhil to lift me and go but he just dined, my cousins then told him if you want our sister then you have to take her and go, but he didn't make a step to lift me. One uncle from my in-laws interrupted by saying "it's already late so stop this, children" and asked my husband to drag me. Then, my dad came to my side and asked me to step forward and go. I looked at him and he was standing with my mom. I immediately hugged my mom and my cries got even harder. My father came and asked me to step forward again by separating me from my mom. I leaned in his chest and went towards the exit gate. As we reached the car door one lady asked me to step inside the car. But I can't.

I was holding my dad's hand, he tried to remove his hand from my grip but I can't let go the hand which I'm holding since my childhood how can anyone replace that place then I again hug my dad as I don't wanna let him go and started crying, my dad tried to calm me but in that process he himself started crying. He then kissed me on my forehead and made me sit inside the car where my husband was already seated. My brother came and bid me bye with his wet eyes. My sister is already crying on my cousin's shoulder, my mom is standing there with my dad. The car started, and I too started moving forward by leaving my family behind. No one can understand the pain every girl has during this ritual. It's really really painful, like someone is tearing our hearts.

The great marriage was over by sending me off in a decorated car. I looked inside the car after the wedding palace passed from my gaze. Aadhil kept his hand on mine and started rubbing my back palm and allowed me to cry. After a while I calmed down.

Then, I was tired of crying and with fear in my heart and lots of question in my head like how would I live with an unknown family and can I be the good wife and how about my behavior in my in-laws and lot of things running in my head, I feel very tired and dizziness covered me and I fall asleep.

May be after an hour or two I heard my name called, I open my eyes to find myself in his chest and his hand wrapped around my shoulder and in a jerk I pulled myself from him and sat back in my seat, he just smiled and told me to get down as we reach his house actually from today it's mine too.

It was wired. How can I accept someone's house as mine? But we girls have to live and accept it also.

I got down from the car. I can see an apartment building which was so tall. He held my hand and asked me to walk safely. We both reached the lift area. He said, 'our home is on the 7th floor, if you have any trouble you can lift your veil.' I just nodded. But didn't lift it as I already said it was netted so I have no issues.

We entered the lift with some of his cousins and reached the 7th floor.

We started walking towards the entrance door where everyone was waiting for us.

Suddenly a woman Shouted "Stop.. Stop there itself.."

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