she's sick

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You were awoken from your slumber when you heard the whimpers Jihyo was letting out. You opened your eyes and blinked a few times to try to adjust to the darkness. You looked at the clock on the wall, finding that it was only after four in the morning.

Beside you, Jihyo was shifting around uncomfortably. You could see that her shirt was damp and the blankets were kicked away at her feet.

You wondered, for a split second, if she was having a bad dream of some sort. You went to put your arms around her to try to pull her closer, hoping that she'd find comfort in your embrace and she'd wake from the nightmare.

But she was pleading with you for you to not touch her and your heart started to hammer against your chest in worry.

"Jihyo, what is it?"

"Nothing. My stomach just hurts, that's all." She said as she took a moment to roll onto her back, so she could stare into your worried eyes as you turned the lamp on and the room lit up.

You put your hand on her forehead and shook your head.

"Are you sure that's all? Because you're burning up and you're sweating."

She swallowed thickly, her skin paling slightly as she became more uncomfortable as a sick feeling started to hit her. She's felt it a little over the last little while that she's spent awake in misery. But it was getting more intense and harder to deny.

"I feel sick."

"You're probably coming down with something." You said as you caressed her warm cheek. "What do you need, my love?"

"I don't know. I just want to feel better." She mumbled weakly and gazed into your eyes with her heavy and sad ones.

You were ready to throw out suggestions. Things such as running her a bath to help her cool down since she felt overheated from her fever, or maybe getting her some water.

Or, if she needed you to, you'd even go down to the store close by that is open twenty-four hours and grab her anything she would need.

But she didn't have the time to answer you. Because she was sitting up hurriedly and taking deep breaths to try and fight the sick feeling that was getting impossible to fight back.

"I'm gonna be sick." She whimpered as you rubbed her shoulder comfortingly, hoping your touch and her deep breaths would bring her some relief.

But it wasn't helping. Because she was only feeling her worse and both of you knew, deep down, that this was only gonna end one way.

And you were right. Because only a few seconds she weakly shook her head and jumped out of bed, kicking the blanket away that rested at her feet, as she rushed into the bathroom, where she immediately hung her head over the toilet and started to get sick.

You squeezed your eyes shut, feeling your heart crack a little over her whimpers that came from feeling so awful.

You instinctively got out of bed and made your way into the bathroom, where you sat behind her and held her hair back for her as she emptied her aching stomach.

She pulled away a moment later and coughed a couple of times before she closed her eyes and her shoulders dropped.

She took a few deep breaths again and you used that moment to get up and grab a cloth, which you wet down with some cool water, before running it along her skin.

She ended up getting sick again a moment later as the taste on her tongue made her stomach turn again.

But it didn't last as long this time around and she found comfort in the cloth being brought along her hot skin and the sound of your voice.

"That makes me feel better." She said with a sleepy voice.

"Happy to hear that, baby. Feel any better?"

"Yeah. Just exhausted now. I just want to sleep." She mumbled.

"Okay. Well, let's get your teeth brushed, and then we'll go to bed."

She nodded and slowly stood on her feet with your help. While she brushed her teeth, you grabbed her a clean shirt since her other one was clinging to her skin a bit due to her sweating through it.

You also took the blanket away and replaced it with a sheet, which you knew would be better for her to cover up with. You also got her a glass of water and a bucket, just to be on the safe side.

You helped her out of her dirty shirt and into the clean one before you tucked her into bed, under the sheets with a kiss on her nose, causing her to scrunch it up playfully, despite how sick and tired she felt.

You couldn't help but smile as you laid down beside her. You tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and stared into her eyes until she closed them.

"I'm so tired."

"I know, baby. You need to sleep."

She just sighed as you kissed her warm forehead and caressed her cheek.

"If you need something during the night, you know you can wake me at any time and I'll get it for you. No matter what it is that you need."

"I know." She whispered. "Thank you."

"Love you," you whispered softly as you watched her drift off to sleep.

You stayed awake for a while, simply watching her sleep with the hopes of her staying asleep and getting the rest she needs, and even more so now than usual.

You hoped it wouldn't be long until she felt better. But, until then, no matter what, you'd be there to take care of her through it all.

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